MovieChat Forums > The Captive (2014) Discussion > Critics hated it and it they were booing...

Critics hated it and it they were booing it at The Canne Film festival.

From what everyone is saying the film is a dog! the turkey of the year.


Doesn't surprise me.

Touch darkness and darkness touches you back.


Yeah! I only like movies that are already pre established by the hive mind as 'okay to like!'
I'll be walking into this one ready to hate it for the smallest of reasons, because thinking for yourself is just too hard, and I want to fit in with the cinephile crowd so that I sound intellectually adept!

Why is the movie community full of such confirmation bias?


Yeah, all the real intellectuals who think for themselves know where it's at in cinema; Ryan Reynolds movies.

Touch darkness and darkness touches you back.


Absolutely. And all the cynical people will miss everything cool and die angry.


It's clear your idea of cool is drastically different from what's actually cool. Ignorance is bliss though, that's what they say. Take comfort in that.

Touch darkness and darkness touches you back.


It's that type of thinking is the truly small mindedness it's the reason why studio films will always trump these smaller pictures .The people who view and make these smaller pictures .Only know how to appeal to certain people who think inside a box not outside one like yourself .

Let's face it, people hate art movies. Especially when they are not expecting an art movie"


And some people hate bad movies, which this was.


Did you watch it yet? I understand why they booed this film. It's a masterpiece of sh*t, that's what it was.


Atom E jumped the shark on sweet hereafter.


Bull, Ararat was brilliant.


How did egoyan 'jump-the-shark' on "Sweet Hereafter" when that movie was possibly his best movie (+the 1 that made him known in the U.S.)?

He has kind of gone downhill since "Felicia's Journey" in my mind..although everything he's done, even "Devil's Knot" which was his lowest point yet, had its moments..

"Go balls deep, Dad!"
-Scotty Crane


I watch everything he directs. Long time admirer - think I've seen every one of them. One of his early ones that I found particularly fascinating was The Adjuster. Check it out if you haven't seen it.


Ryan Reynolds has become the whipping boy of Hollywood right now since Green Lantern flop.


I just watched it, wasn't but wasn't that bad either. Decent movie as long as you go into it without high expectations, which should be easy considering Ryan Reynolds is in it,


it was not bad. 6.7 or so to me


And the other half of the audience applaud it, but you only tried to pull off the negatives. Typical troll.


I could give a crap.
I just saw it. It has its flaws but I liked it.
And Ryan Reynolds does a good job..I don't follow him enough to understand why some people seem to have it in for him. Is it the trendy thing to do? Count me out.


i saw it last night

not really good

im a bit sad for reynolds


I don't know that I would have booed it, but it was certainly a disappointment. Might have worked better as a TV mini-series, with more time to develop the characters. I felt very detached and uninvolved overall.

Revenge is a dish that best goes stale.


I don't even think it was "Green Lantern" that destroyed Ryan Reynolds' career ("Safe House" was a hit, that movie came out after 'GL')..I think Hollywood stopped paying attention and put him on the b-list backburner when he got divorced from Scarlett Johansson. Publicly (and publicity) speaking, it was a very, very bad move

"Go balls deep, Dad!"
-Scotty Crane



Just finished it...didn't seem as bad as everyone made it out to be. Ryan Reynolds in drama immediately draws a hateful crowd. It is not his strong suite, for sure, but there are many worse out there.

My life tends to be shaken, not stirred.


How it's not his strong suite? Have you seen him in dramas or dramedies? He's constantly the best thing in his movies.


totally agreed. without ryan this film for example would have been even worse.


I don't even think it was "Green Lantern" that destroyed Ryan Reynolds' career ("Safe House" was a hit, that movie came out after 'GL')..I think Hollywood stopped paying attention and put him on the b-list backburner when he got divorced from Scarlett Johansson. Publicly (and publicity) speaking, it was a very, very bad move

I am surprised he has even had such a good run. I think Hollywood is paying less attention to him not because he and Scarlett broke up, but because he has always been goofy looking and isn't the best actor. So he was just easily replaced by similar, newer, and maybe better versions, like Bradley Cooper, Chris Pratt etc.
