MovieChat Forums > Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) Discussion > Notice all the negative reviews are from...

Notice all the negative reviews are from jealous men?

These men are jealous. They will never have the money, looks, power or sex stamina like Christian or the actor playing Christian. So, these men insult the film, the story, the acting. Give the movie a low rating. Say insulting comments like:

"Sitting in my seat at the theatre surrounded by parhetic , horny women giggling. None of these women at the theatre could snag a rich man like him anyways"

Wtf! Like any of you men watching your 20 hours a week of disgusting porn can get any of those women.

Can't us women just have our Christian grey "erotica" without your stupid comments and penis envy?

And if youre a women reading this, before you say I hated the movie too. Im not talking about you, I'm talking about the men.




You say "And if youre a women reading this, before you say I hated the movie too. Im not talking about you, I'm talking about the men.". So you admit ignoring the comments from women and then conclude it is just the men.

I think you have chosen the wrong hill to fight on. There are some serious negative aspects, as others have said. In this case, don't classify a guy as being jealous if he does not believe in beating women.

Note that there is an abundance of jealous women. Many women are jealous of pretty young women. There are so many jealous women that they have some very common terminology, such as "degrading".
