The movie had potential with the weird book idea, then went downhill steadily. Also, the scene with the cute dog being cruelly killed was unnecessary. Why is it whenever you see a dog in one of these films they end up dead? No people killed just the family dog. I wasted time on this over-rated piece of junk. Just goes to show you can't trust the IMBD ratings. The ending was totally ridiculous. Yes, I'm sure many of you will disagree...still that's the way I feel and I'm hoping to warn others who might feel the same.
Update: If you're not a dog lover simply move on to another topic. This is meant as a warning to those who are dog and animal lovers.
It's a stupid movie, nothing is real!!! Can't believe you are more worried about animals (nothing happened to the dog in real life) than humans.... YOU ARE SICK
Your reasoning needs some adjustment. There's a fundamental flaw in it which has made you act "sick" by making unfounded and unfair accusations.
Understand that an image is itself 100% real, and that it has absolutely real effects. This is true regardless of whether the means of creating it were artificial or not, and regardless of whether a viewer is aware it was created by artificial means or not. It makes little difference to the experience of the result -- the image -- since it, and what it means, is real.
The end result, what an image means and the emotions it provokes (intentionally or not), are the operative qualities. How it was made is not. We willingly open ourselves to this end result, to this experience (aka, "the willing suspension of disbelief"). Once we have done so, our experience is the full freight, no limitation, no going back.
A terrible memory isn't the real event. It's a total fabrication. The past has passed. So why does the memory still grip us in the middle of the night? Because it's primal experience, which knows nothing of time. Its images and sounds are 100% real, even though the event no longer exists -- possibly not for decades.
When people view a painting or a photograph, they may feel dread or disgust, even though they know the images were created with artificial means. In fact, the artist may intentionally make those means blatant in order to make just this point, that the final result has power despite the fact that the fake process of manufacture is right in your face. For example, dread with a Francis Bacon portrait, or revulsion with a Cindy Sherman photograph of decay and body parts. These artists don't try to disguise the artifice, they make it prominent. And yet we feel what we feel anyway.
People who are sensitive to depictions of animal deaths/killings understand that the means of creating the images in The Babadook were artificial. They know the animal didn't die to make the image. And yet, there is the image, undiminished for that knowledge. That's because the process is separate from the result. You've concentrated on the means, but have neglected the nature of the end result. That fundamental error has led you to embrace "sick" judgments of people's experience.
As for the accusation that people are more upset about an image of an animal's killing than a human's, you have also overlooked some fundamental context. For another day.
"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson
Yeah, I admit it bothers me more seeing an animal get murdered than a human.
It was the OP (who laughably bans everyone not agreeing with his arguments) who said that it bothered him more to see animals being killed than humans being killed. That says a lot about the OP and other commenters have a right to find that to be a disturbing proposition.
I love my two dogs and three parrots and all the other pets I've had over my lifetime but I would never state that seeing an animal killed bothers me more than seeing a human being killed.
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blah blah blah, everyone is aware that an image, whether real or fake, can effect someone emotionally and mentally.
its extremely weak and silly to go onto horror film discussion boards and make a fuss about 'cute animals' being killed when humans are constantly murdered in horror films.
No need to respond to you, Anizar_Wifi fag or whatever it is you call yourself. No,kidding, that's the name he picked. I see others have already responded to you, though you probably don't deserve It. Still adding you to the 'ignore' list saves me from ever having to come across you again at the IMDB.
You say you feel sickened when confronted by a particular perspective. Okay. Someone else says they feel sickened to confront another kind of perspective. You and they have something in common.
You, like that person, and every other human being, feel what you feel. We all have sensitivities. They may not make rational sense, but that's irrelevant because human beings are not rational creatures. You are sensitive to this thing, and they are sensitive to that one. Awareness that you are both disturbed by encountering a certain perspective is grounds for understanding another's feelings, not to attach shame to them.
"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson
literally the point of the dog killing scene is what she is becoming capable of
No one is supposed to ENJOY seeing the cute dog killed- that's literally the point and exactly why the scene is there. Its disturbing
you're watching horror movies and complaining about animals being hurt. its illogical if you're truly implying that you're fine with watching hundreds of humans in various horror movies get fictionally murdered but you have an issue with another species? bit of a hypocritical thing
Again, the warning is for dog lovers as is clearly stated. People like you will not understand and should simply ignore the warning and move on. That should not be very hard to understand even for someone like you, mountaindewslave. And perhaps you should cut back on that mountain dew you name yourself after. It seems to be making you hyper. Don't expect a further reply to your trouble making rants.
being an animal lower has nothing to do with this movie. It would take an utter moron to think that just because a movie has a character going insane and killing a dog that a dog lower could not enjoy the movie. In fact that this is the basis of your judgement of the film shows instead that the thing we should be avoiding is you and your *beep* opinions.
------------------------------------------------ Resistance is impolite, Friendship is mandatory.
What about those poor, innocent earthworms given to the Babadook as food? I cannot stand such cruelty! What have they ever done to you, dog-lover? You didn't spent a single word for them, poor creatures!! :ยฐยฐยฐ(
I wish this thread was a troll thread but it seems like it's not... All you "animal lovers", I hope you would sacrifice your life to save another animals life if needed, because it seems like their lives are the only thing that matters. Unless you're an egoist and care more about yourself ๐ถ๐๐๐๐๐ฎ.
I watched the movie today. I thought it was clever and different. I am also a dog lover but seeing something bad happen to a dog, or any animal on-screen doesn't bother me, because I know it isn't actually happening. If someone had made a doggie snuff film, then yes that would upset, even enrage me and I could not stomach watching it. However, we are talking about a movie here. If you use that as your whole basis for not liking a movie, then maybe you should stay away from horror films. Oh but it's ok if they're only killing people right? SMH.
Good, for you. Shred_Master. The warning was for those of us who are bothered by seeing a cute faithful family dog killed for entertainment, real or not. What innocent people did you see killed in this film ? It was only the dog. I also found it distasteful the way she treated her son while processed of whatever, she at least did not kill him. If it doesn't bother you seeing that "fictional" dog strangled or get it's neck broken than simply ignore the warning to my fellow dog lovers and "enjoy" a film for people like you. To me, even taking the dog killing out, it was a mediocre film at best. And, yes, I fully admit it bothers me to see fictional animals and children killed or seriously hurt in movies much more than adults. Perhaps it's because to me they represent innocents. I'm not sure, but that's the way it is. So sue men. My warning to those who share my feelings stands.
I always find it weird when people are complaining about animals being hurt in movies (when they know damn well that it's all fake) while at the same time looking forward to see human beings getting killed. There's something seriously wrong there, somehow, I feel.
I'm an animal lover, and the dog scene did make me go 'noooo...' but it's not that big of a deal to make me discredit the movie. The movie is pretty decent. Only overly-sensitive people will get too upset about it. But then again that's what America is like anyway, people getting upset over everything. Not surprising.