I felt nothing

Watched a bad copy of this at work, horrible sound, never finished it. Maybe try again, I dont excited by many films. Resident Evil, heard that was a mess, I quit after 5 minutes.Underworld is another one of my faves, it was okay..


Watching a poor copy will definitely kill this movie for you. It has to be seen on the big screen. Yeah there wasn't a lot of meat to the plot and the characters are idiots but there were some really intense and creepy moments that I thought made it worth taking a look.


I liked Resident Evil but a lot of fans didn't. Despite their opinion, I still thoroughly enjoyed the film, especially the action sequences. I thought Alice was more of a bad ass fighter than ever. She was up against so many obstacles. There was also an explanation of Alice's origin, it really wrapped up the series quite nicely.

I didn't like Underworld Blood Wars that much at all. The love story between Michael and Selene really drew me into the story. That changed with Underworld Awakenings. I would have rather had the family dynamic rather than Selena being a single mother having to protect her daughter. I have nothing against single mothers at all. I just think that that direction the story took was trying too hard to follow in Aliens footsteps with Ripley and Newt. Selena never really stuck me as a motherly figure at all and as far as I'm concerned, Selena being a mother doesn't work at all. She's a cold unemotional heroine.

Watch both and see what you think.


It wasn't a favorite of mine, and I saw it in a theater.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-https://youtu.be/fyYgj2Fpur0
