Maybe, but Im sure he already understood humans. He would have had to in order to be useful on the mission. He already understood a lot of things because thats what he did while everyone else was asleep. During the time shaw is asleep he uses that time to learn all about the engineers. From the trailer I took this to mean that david had found something out about the engineers and thats why he killed him. Theres still the point of why that ship crashed. Did shaw wake up and try to stop david? Did the engineers fight back? Maybe I missed something, but I dont recall there being any explanation as to why the ship crashed, other than the bullshit story david told.
Going back to david killing shaw, he definitely killed her and may even have raped her judging by what happened with daniels. but again, I cant for the life of me think of why he would. Theres just no reason in the characters arc as to why he would kill HER. In prometheus hes obsessed with lawrence of arabia. He even identifies with him. Going so far as to ape lawrence. David wanted to be the hero, to be adored to be praised. Yet when he does do something that he feels should bring praise he gets nothing from anyone, except shaw. Shes the only one who thanks him, who treats him as a person instead of just another piece of equipment. The way he talks about shaw reflects that. At the end of prometheus she says some hurtful things to him, but again shes still treating him as a person by being angry at him and lashing out. So why he then kills and maybe rapes her, doesnt make any sense. Not in the context of the character we see in prometheus, and if he didnt kill her, why would he imply that he had to someone he was going to kill and maybe rape?