Alien best to worst

Alien (the original and best like Terminator 1 is best) *****
Aliens *****
Covenant ****
Prometheus ***
Alien3 ***
AvP **
Alien Resurrection **
AvP2 *


Alien resurrection
Alien 3

*i haven't seen covenant yet!!*


Alien, Aliens 5/5
Covenant and Prometheus 3.5/5
Resurrection 3/5
Alien 3 3/5

My gripe with the last few films is that they make very little sense. Flashy but stupid.


I haven't see AVP or AVP2 but I agree with your rating:

Alien (5/5)
Aliens (5/5)
Covenant (4/5)
Prometheus (4/5)
Alien 3 (3/5)

Alien Resurrection (I found this quite bad actually) (2/5)


Alien Resurrection -- that was the one with Wynona Ryder wasn't it, and that large very weird looking guy I cannot think of his name now.

Oh, the guy is Ron Perlman ... and I guess it must have been worse than I remembered because I gave it a 4/10 on IMDB


I haven't seen all the movie but I'll rank the ones I have already seen.

Alien Resurrection
AvP Requiem


Alien (5)
Aliens (5)
Alien 3 (4) Well, that was only after the directors cut - It was a solid 3 before that... Although, it might have just grown on me over time anyway. And I'm guessing that something closer to the original screenplay would have been a (5)
AvP 2 (3) Not the movie I wanted but charmingly brutal...
Alien Resurrection (2.5) This just seemed stupid with its silly revival of clone/Ripley and the embarrassing droid girl... And the pathetic alien/human whatsis... And...
Prometheus (2) Here's a film that seems intentionally stupid. Like a planned affront to the audience. I mean, not only are the characters stupid but the "Engineers" seem to have been awful dumb too... Was that the punchline? The human race is the result of massively stupid "super-beings"? Maybe it's actually clever, in a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy sorta way...
AvP (1) I swear, it was like some crappy computer game... And I am not carping about the CG.


Well good points all. And the engineers were stupid because why would someone go down on a planet devoid of life and kill themselves to seed it with life? First, a planet devoid of life would not have oxygen in its atmosphere because all the original oxygen in the planet would have reacted away since oxygen is very reaction. Second, we see this engineer's DNA get dissolved, so what was the point of his death? Prometheus - exactly, it was like an insult, and as I watched it I felt insulted and ripped off.


good list


Prometheus and Covenant do not even register on this list.
Same with Alien 3, AvP, AvP2.

The only decent movies were in order
Alien == Aliens
Alien Resurrection


Allow me to rate them via the Siskel/Ebert thumb-scale...


all the rest

A couple of the "all the rest" suck less hard than others, but really, if none of those films were ever made, I wouldn't miss any of them.

I haven't seen Covenant yet, but since it's a sort-of sequel to Prometheus (which sucked donkey balls), I'm not expecting much.


I agree ... but Resurrection was worth watching ... it was just average entertainment.
