Fan theory: Prometheus and Alien movies tie together as a religious allegory
Okay, so we have the Engineer who first arrives on earth, right? And he takes the black oooze and it destroys him, and in his act of self-sacrifice, he sows the seeds for the human race. Later on, Elizabeth Shaw and her crew track down the Engineers and land on a planetoid where they are readying bioweapons. They find out that the Engineers had decided to end the human experiment due to some unspecified incident that occurred roughly 2,000 years ago (*coughs* the crucifixion of Christ). What could be worse than finding out your God finds you unworthy, an accident that should have been aborted? Flash forward to the time of the first Alien. The crew of the Nostromo are rerouted to LV426 (an unsurveyed planet at the time), because Weyland-Yutani wants to investigate and bring back a dangerous alien life form for use in its bio-weapons division. Naturally, they keep this information to themselves and allow the crew to suffer and die in the name of profit - aka, business as usual, just another way in which human beings have proven unworthy, as the Engineers have discovered. Ellen Ripley manages to not survive the ordeal and destroys the beast, before going into hypersleep, along with a cat (!) that she risked life and limb to save from being destroyed on the Nostromo. She awakens fifty-seven years later to find out everyone she has known and loved has died. She is, naturally, traumatized, and awakens in a panicked sweat every night from nightmares about her encounter with the xenomorph. No one could blame her for wanting to move on, and spending the rest of her life, quietly, running loaders down in the docks, and living with her cat. But when Lt. Gorman and Burke inform her that a colony on LV426 has mysteriously cut off all communication, she makes the difficult choice to join a troop of Colonial Marines and investigate the disturbance. She finds herself face to face with her worst nightmare: an entire HIVE of these monsters. She finds a sole survivor of this disaster...