MovieChat Forums > Low Winter Sun (2013) Discussion > Low Winter Sun and The Bridge are the tw...

Low Winter Sun and The Bridge are the two best shows currently on TV

Breaking Bad has turned into a huge disappointment.


The Bridge has become a very good series.... but really? LWS is awful! The Killing blows LWS out of the water. I can't even keep myself awake watching LWS. I don't even know the characters' names and I've watched every episode.

Renew AMCs The Killing for a Final Season!



You clearly don't realize that every time you repeat that line you violate your own absurd claim that all opinions have equal weight. You're saying that people who are used to formulaic shows don't see this show as well as you do.

You sir, have won the thread.



"You clearly don't realize that every time you repeat that line you violate your own absurd claim that all opinions have equal weight. You're saying that people who are used to formulaic shows don't see this show as well as you do."

Uh, how do you figure, you morons. What I said was:
......a lot of people seem to miss, expecting a more formulaic, episodic cop show like the many others they are used to."

I'm not implying they don't see it as WELL as I do. I'm implying that some people came into the show with certain expectations, and that helped formulate the way they saw and received the show. DIFFERENTLY than better or worse. No more right or wrong than me. Just with pre-conceived notions....specific expectations. Let me say that again, in case it was missed: I don't feel my opinion is any more right or wrong than anyone else's. In fact, I often state to a poster: "That's an interesting point. Here's my take on it...."

Anyone who comes on a message board like this and DOES think their opinion carries more validity than others, and admits as much.....loses all credibility, objectivity....and is frankly a real tool.



Wow, you truly are a contrarian dickhead, Dolce. You simply enjoy taking the counterpoint to absolute definition of a troll. You have zero interest in finding common ground or finding any validity in other people's opinions. What's more, you keep trying to justify your elitest, film-snobbery.

"It's my opinion, so it's valid." Um....yes. No one person's OPINION of a show is any more "correct" than anothers'. We can go back and forth all year on this. You feel one way on it, I feel another. Let's simply agree that we disagree.

When you try to translate my wording ("formulate" to mean "limit"), that is you simply trying to change what I said to better fit your rebuttal. I said formulate, not limit. I meant exactly this: (Some) people came into the show expecting a certain kind of cop drama....a very common kind...and got something different. I've done this plenty of times myself. It has nothing to do with "accuracy". They were simply disappointed that it's not the show they felt it would be---maybe not even the show it was marketed to be. That can taint their perception of the show to the point where, at that point, "the knives are out" (as cj put it)...and they will only see what they want to see....they will be looking for things to cut into, and will choose to overlook some of the things the show's enthusiasts find compelling. This is neither right nor wrong. It's's perception...and it's opinion.

My own perception is simply that--and let me make this clear...for the 30th time...I'm stating for the record: I...don'"accurate"....than....anyone...else's. In fact, anyone I state my opinion to (even you) can simply tell me their own take on it. It won't be any more "right" or "wrong" than mine.

When I state that I find other people's points interesting, and then position my take on it as simply my make an accusation that this is insincere. Well, there's nothing I can do to help you feel the sincerity of those words, nor do I care to. In truth, our conversations have spiraled way, WAY away from the spirit of this site and these threads. NOBODY wants to read our ridiculous arguments which now have nothing to do with LWS.

I have no respect for you or your opinion, at all. And I have zero interest in arguing with you any further. I've made my point, you don't "agree". Fine. I don't find you remotely interesting, engaging, enjoyable to converse with...or even very intellectual. You're a poser and a troll. I will leave you to your own miserable, lonesome existance on the web. This has become very boring and childish. And ignoring a troll...renders him completely impotent. I will not be reading anything further from you.



You seem to be under the impression that couching everything into 'in my opinion' somehow makes you and this show immune to criticism. It doesn't. This show has objectively bad writing (Frank yelling 'YOU KNEW ABOUT INTERNAL AFFAIRS' five times in the pilot, saying Katja can't be saved), bad characterizations (we still have no idea why Katja is so important to him, or what makes Frank a good cop), and boring plot that you can't explain away.



Sure we know why Katia was important to him? Frank is divorced, he's a middle aged guy, an is afraid that he'll never find love again. That's why Katia is so important to him. He thinks this is his last chance at happiness.

I don't remember him yelling YOU KNEW ABOUT INTERNAL AFFAIRS - five times in the pilot and I just re-watched it the other day. I am not saying you're wrong, but maybe it seemed more organic to some folks?

Putting aside that it's gonna be hard to show Frank is a good cop when he's trying NOT to solve a crime (so we end up with numerous characters mentioning his past successes instead of his current holding up of an investigation), we kinda have seen he is a good one? He has several contacts in the crime world that seem willing to help him. I'd have to figure a good percentage of police work involves having your sources help you out with what they hear on the street.



He's probably not gonna have time to work on another case given the time frame of this show. Everything that's happened so far has been within about a 2 week window.

Besides, I kinda think he's shown everything you say he hasn't.



Given the high scrutiny of this case, I don't believe there is any way the department would put him on another case. The mayor's office wouldn't allow it.



Well, he was offering constructive advice to Dani before the two cases became intertwined.



Advice is informal help. It's not like he's not gonna go over her case files or go walk the beat with her - he has his own case to obstruct.



Yes, he's giving advice and acting as a sounding board. That's help. Agree to disagree.



Dolce-amaro rules this topic with sound reasoning. A pleasure to see out-of-control, rude people put in their place with even measured, cogent commentary.

I toast to you.


I mean, I never thought of myself as out of control or rude?


Nah, dawg.

The two best shows currently on television are Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones. Soon, Breaking Bad will be gone and another show will have to step up onto the podium.

Good candidates to replace it are House of Cards and Orange is the New Black. Homeland has run out of ideas, Mad Men is about 2 seasons past its prime, and Boardwalk Empire is primed for a downfall as well.

Low Winter Sun? Lolno.

It rhymes with Freak
