The baby (spoilers)

The baby was, quite obviously to me, the devil himself.

We get a hint of that from the text written on the wall behind the painting that falls down: “ And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.”

The baby is referred to as a “miracle” by everyone in the convent throughout the film. But I suppose the point is that it was quite the opposite: an evil, diabolical being.

This is why she had no hesitations in killing it.


If that baby was actually the anti-Christ, she would not have succeeded in killing it.


I agree... the baby also did gurgling sound like a creature, not a human baby, similar to the sounds the baby made in Rosemary's Baby.


I think the point of the movie - and the real shock value - is that the baby was Jesus and she smashed his head in.


Yes! It’s supposed to be the clone of Jesus and not the Antichrist


That baby was not the antichrist. It was just a more "successful" version of the failed experiments in the jars. A more advanced abomination. Plus, had it been the antichrist, I seriously doubt she could bash its head in and it all be done.
