The constant looming fear of Cheryl getting raped?
I understand this was probably a necessary element to having a female alone and hiking in the wild encountering men who could easily overpower her. I understand that a constant sense of tension and suspense should be included in the movie. And I understand that she should be afraid when encountering strangers who could rape or maim her at any moment.
BUT, what I don't think is necessary are the constant interactions where she has to fear for her life that a man will act violently just because they are alone and she can't protect herself. Now, having said this, let me state that i'm not one of those people who nit-picks movies looking to see if it's pro-women or not, in fact I think this movie is predominantly pro-women in it's portrayal of these strong female characters and the issues they face and eventually overcome and independent individuals. I just thought putting her in this same scenario in which she may/may not get raped was extremely cheap, tasteless and repetitive. I really did love this movie though and this is virtually my only complaint.