The supposed army were the others all along or at least humans who were duped by the other sleeper agents. The tip off was something that people who were paying attention to would have picked up on immediately and suspect that a trap or trick coming. It was something really out of H.G. Well's "War of The Worlds" where the soldier theorizes on what the aliens would do to the humans. Anyway, that is a side track. The tip of that it was a trick was, if you remember, that one of the prior waves was a Global EMP pulse that fried all of earth's electronic systems including the electric systems in motor vehicles. So, therefore, how did the army have electricity at the base and in their vehicles? That was the tip off. The vechicles worked! They had electricity. Naturally, if the aliens, the others, where going to use an electro magnetic pulse weapon to fry the electronics of the earth, they were going to shield their own electronics and equipment from their own weapon. That is what told my they were the others and that was a trap all along. Even the army's rational was questionable.
Harry Potter Lives!
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.