The Adult Massacre

Was the military always intending to kill everyone in that room? They sure had no problem shooting innocent people after the one guy caused a ruckus. It could have been easily avoided by taking the guy causing the problems outside to deal with him.


It was intentional. Military only needed the children for battle, that's why they :

1) Shipped the children away
2) Gathered all adults into a house, to prevent them from escaping.

Classics are names that everyone heard, yet most have never seen!!


Yes of course they wanted them dead but maybe they would round them up and disarm them first before killing them. The altercation cost lives on both sides. It wasnt intended.


It made no sense either way.

So, the children are shipped away by bus. The adults are all killed in the meeting room.

But that made no sense:

If they did NOT intend on killing all adults, then obviously they would've left some survivors. But no adult left the meeting room alive.

if they DID intend on killing all adults, isn't there a lot safer and more efficient way of killing them? taking them on buses, separating them, separating them from their GUNS.... Instead of what they did do: giving them fake information about the Others, then letting them get suspicious and start shooting, and then shooting back. it was highly inefficient and dangerous (to the Others themselves).

the Others would be wanting to kill all the adults, no? isnt that the whole point of training the children, to hunt human survivors? so the Others' goal WAS to kill all the adults at the camp(?)


Vosch, the commanding officer, was an agent of "the Others" and I guess they had created this situation on purpose - I guess they closely studied how the human psyche works and that a certain information would lead to a certain reaction; it just needed one or two armed civilians to panic or become violent to start the massacre with a plausible justification.

Sure, they could have round them up, but like the Nazis they just made them assemble voluntarly in a space were they can be killed off easily.
If they had round them up, many had tried to flee, some would have put up a fight (many were armed and could have taken a covered position), and, last but not least, maybe not the entire army is part of the consipration and in this fashion they can kill off civilians without causing the suspicion of the lower ranks.

It was also a way to introcude the body snatcher nature of the aliens, albeit this could have been explained/introduced later.
But often a lie is hidden best between the truth.

Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer


The supposed army were the others all along or at least humans who were duped by the other sleeper agents. The tip off was something that people who were paying attention to would have picked up on immediately and suspect that a trap or trick coming. It was something really out of H.G. Well's "War of The Worlds" where the soldier theorizes on what the aliens would do to the humans. Anyway, that is a side track. The tip of that it was a trick was, if you remember, that one of the prior waves was a Global EMP pulse that fried all of earth's electronic systems including the electric systems in motor vehicles. So, therefore, how did the army have electricity at the base and in their vehicles? That was the tip off. The vechicles worked! They had electricity. Naturally, if the aliens, the others, where going to use an electro magnetic pulse weapon to fry the electronics of the earth, they were going to shield their own electronics and equipment from their own weapon. That is what told my they were the others and that was a trap all along. Even the army's rational was questionable.

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Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.


Was the military always intending to kill everyone in that room?

Yes, and I saw that coming a mile away.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog


Yes, the "military" are Others and bad and want to kill humans. I don't think many are confused about that.

The question is whether this was the way the Others intended to kill the adults. If yes, why? It seems like there are much better methods of killing the adults with much less risk to themselves. As someone said, have them go one by one for "testing" and then kill them individually. Alternatively, put them on a bus. The bus driver gets off at the last minute and then blow up the bus. This isn't that hard. The method used in the movie made little sense if it was planned that way.
