I think yes, just not in the way it happened. I imagine they would have had each person walk one at a time to a tent, a "testing center", where they would be quietly killed and the bodies disposed of. Or they would go from the testing center to a bus, but they don't tell you if the bus you're on is for the ones who passed or the ones who failed. During transport they would be killed.
I wanted to shout at her at some points to PICK UP THINGS! Sure, she picked up the weapon from the dead soldier, but she didn't check him to get extra clips or go back after calming down to get any extra supplies left at the camp.
Also, I was annoyed at how no matter how many days she had spent walking, her hair was always clean and her face scrubbed. I'm sure he wouldn't have minded if she jumped in the lake after him to get some of the odor out of her clothes. Oh, well. Maybe in the sequel (if it gets made).