MovieChat Forums > The 5th Wave (2016) Discussion > 100 things I've learned from "The 5th wa...

100 things I've learned from "The 5th wave"

-my first thread like this, let's pop this cherry-

1. Nothing about aliens.

2. After disclosing information -early on- to the viewing audience that the Aliens can inhabit humans; Military personnel, slaughtering refugees during a meeting because of a few disorderly persons, shouldn't be a red flag to said audience.

3. Obvious traps in the middle of a freeway are obvious.

4. In the scenario of Alien Invasion/Apocalypse, name a character "Zombie."

5. During combat simulations, pick up Spiderman toys.

6. ALL guys look at girls' asses, ALL the time... and they know it too!

7. Blowing up a bus you are escaping from is completely synonymous with causing a distraction.

8. Love conquers all, even Aliens.

9. Everyone is in the right place at the right exact time.

10. 'There's nothing safe anymore.'

11. Make an alien movie in which the aliens (who most of us show up to these types of movies to see and learn about) are indistinguishable from humans, even down to personality and ideology because that's what an Alien movie should be, a movie about humans.

12. "The Others" was a better movie.


People hate what's popular and people jump on bandwagons. The rest of us are in the middle. Done.


73. Aliens are hot with blue eyes and want to sleep with you.

74. What to wear to the apocalypse... in an apocalypse everyone still has access to their favorite hairdresser, hair product, and enough water to make sure their 'do' always looks its best during a gun fight.


75. Never, never where helmets into battle with big blue helmet lights !


76. you can climb a tree where a massive water wave is coming at you & it'll still stand strong

77. in a room full of armed adults, somehow not one person from military is shot but they flawlessly murder every single adult.


78. It is easier to train toddlers and teens in martial arts and combat for months so that they can kill each other than just to shoot them in the camp.

79. Although there are armed Alien snipers and assassins "everywhere killing humans", you still need toddlers and teens to finish the job.

80. Studios save a lot of money when Aliens look like humans.


81. When "" and nothing else on Earth is effective to kill that pesky alien parasite sucking on your brain, always, and I mean...ALWAYS...look to teen lust for a total'll do the trick every time.

(Because EVERYONE knows that when human babies are abducted as children and modified by superadvanced nanotechnology to become sleeper agent hybrid snipers devoid of their humanity, a super charged make out session in an old car can reverse the effects of said advanced alien nanotechnology and hybridization thereby making the hot new Hollywood hunk humanoid a mere CHOICE to be human again....)

82. In a movie about alien parasite infestation, you don't get parasite infestation by drinking water out of a lake without boiling it. (Strike that...I real life...not a was TOTALLY realistic)

(Oh wait....maybe the teen lust thing is like a universal cure ...ridding humans of parasites that's why presumably Chloe Moretz didn't get the runs while trekking through the woods...and therefore had time to curl her hair and apply lip gloss...

Given all the dab gummit parasites, I would have opted to save toilet paper rolls in my know....during the end of the friggin world...instead of that silly bear)...

But I'm just a romantic...


*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussionšŸŒˆ


83. Parents with small children who cling to teddy bears should highly discourage this behavior inasmuch as in the event of an alien invasion you might be forced to forego carrying necessary supplies so you can save room for the teddy bear.

84. Parents with small children should encourage their children to cling to Swiss army knives while calling them "my blankie" in the event of alien invasion your child's blankie will soothe your child as well as offer much needed survival assistance.

85. There were actually 5 1/2 waves. The 1/2 was a wave of ILLEGAL aliens sent to Earth (undocumented and not seen) charged with cleaning the human's houses and doing their nails during all the other waves.


*Free speech opinion w/ pseudonym internet moniker w/o malice for debate and discussionšŸŒˆ


Probably been said already, but

99. Aliens speak to each other in English.


86. Upon waking up in a strange place after you have been shot, wait 5 days before you ask your rescuer how they avoided the sniper that shot you. The best time to ask is just after they throw a man twice their size over a car, 5 meters up in the air.

87. Gun shot wounds fully heal in 4-11 days when you're hiking and camping in the wild.


89. All the kids kill the same kid in the lab test, and nobody talks about it.

90. When choosing your essentials for you back pack you bring you fried phone, not to forget that cell towers are fried also. Oh yes and black nail polish, you never know who you encounter.

91. All humans attack children before being fired on and from every window.

92. You can enter a quarantine zone and speak to your friend and after put a mask.

93. You're an advanced species from another planet but you use 5 years old to fight for you and trained them in less than 14days.

94. The woods is full of snipers but you make a colorful tent to sleep in

95. You can blow up an entire base and cause an earthquake in a couple of hours of being there.

96. Nobody cries once in the movie even after loosing all their relatives, especially kids.

97. After a couple of days your leg got shot you can still run normal.

The last 3 is up to you guys :)


98. If someone is shot, wait a week for them to wake up before stitching their wound. This technique can make the wound heal in a couple of days.
99. Aliens need a host to survive yet they can fly city-sized spaceships on their own
100. There is no clue as to who the aliens are or why they've come to earth. We never even see them. The brain parasites could be just that, parasites they brought along
101. This was a complete waste of time


98. Most of humanity is dead & dying, but the girl in the spanx/skinny jeans is adamant that you don't look at her ASS, which she has take great care is making prominent.

99. ( already taken )

100. Peace will rule the planet, and love will fill the stars. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
