MovieChat Forums > The 5th Wave (2016) Discussion > 100 things I've learned from "The 5th wa...

100 things I've learned from "The 5th wave"

-my first thread like this, let's pop this cherry-

1. Nothing about aliens.

2. After disclosing information -early on- to the viewing audience that the Aliens can inhabit humans; Military personnel, slaughtering refugees during a meeting because of a few disorderly persons, shouldn't be a red flag to said audience.

3. Obvious traps in the middle of a freeway are obvious.

4. In the scenario of Alien Invasion/Apocalypse, name a character "Zombie."

5. During combat simulations, pick up Spiderman toys.

6. ALL guys look at girls' asses, ALL the time... and they know it too!

7. Blowing up a bus you are escaping from is completely synonymous with causing a distraction.

8. Love conquers all, even Aliens.

9. Everyone is in the right place at the right exact time.

10. 'There's nothing safe anymore.'

11. Make an alien movie in which the aliens (who most of us show up to these types of movies to see and learn about) are indistinguishable from humans, even down to personality and ideology because that's what an Alien movie should be, a movie about humans.

12. "The Others" was a better movie.


People hate what's popular and people jump on bandwagons. The rest of us are in the middle. Done.


13. As long as there are guns and a dark setting involved, Chloe Grace Moretz will jump at the opportunity, and try to pass off her character as "inspiring to young women everywhere."


I kept thinking of Lost and my trip to Hawaii last year every time they said "The Others".


Oh yeah, Lost, heh that too.

People hate what's popular and people jump on bandwagons. The rest of us are in the middle. Done.


14. The u.s. military waits at least 10 days or more to hit hard an unidentified suspicious non-responding alien aircraft floating in the middle of their airspace; and still keeps waiting.... They'll wait until the aliens say back 'Howdy'.
15. You can walk a trainee cadet out of the lines surrounded by hostile alert alien guards, but you will not be stopped.
16. All the real organized military & armed grown-up militias of the whole world went haywire & missing, and cannot take any organized action until couple of sequels are in place; until the young adults save some more young adults.
17. The Airlines and Aviation authorities still won't halt all air traffic even with some alien aircraft is suspiciously floating around without a response.
18. You can make movies with the same plot over and over with slightly different mix, and still make good business out of all of them with pretty amazing "Intelligent" audience group.

??? It is not the Answers that Enlighten, but the Questions ???


18, You are able to take the body of your avian flu infected dead mother away from a secure quarantine location, on foot, to be buried in your own back garden.

19. You can train very small children to fire guns and expect them to go in to combat without getting frightened, screaming, crying and causing endless problems for the older children.

20. you have large supply of very small fatigues and child sized body armour.


21. Apparently wanting to play strip poker with a girl is sexist. (Wanting to see a girl naked somehow makes you sexists? WTF? right? lol)

22. Make out like crazy with your new bf right in front of the guy that you used to like.

23. Put a prologue in the movie that starts off in the middle, then start from the beginning... then throughout the WHOLE movie.... NEVER go back to the part of the story where it showed the middle point where you had to shoot a hurt Christian in an abandoned store because u were afraid he was gonna shoot you first.


19 actually happens in real life. Go to Africa and you'll see 10 year olds holding AK 47s with a life jacket on as a bulletproof vest.


19. You can train very small children to fire guns and expect them to go in to combat without getting frightened, screaming, crying and causing endless problems for the older children.

And kids take a much shorter time to be deemed combat ready!

Cassie begins her hike of 80 miles, with one night of rest along the way. Gets shot on the way and is out of action for just over a week.

Total time training so far; 9 days (I'll let the logistics of inducting hundreds of children slide).

She resumes her journey and we're shown two nights of sleep. We are shown she is picked up by an army patrol before the sun rises (may be a different night). During this sequence of events, the child soldiers are sent on their first mission.

Total time it takes to train children for combat: 14 days, give or take a day.

Although the actual time of effective training is probably a lot shorter. The squad we are shown were terrible until the bad ass chick comes and kicks them in to shape (the day before they are sent on their first mission).

Time to go from useless kids to death squad: 4 hours and a sing-song before bed.


24. One dude alone is capable of blowing up a whole military base and field without explosives.

25. When someone attacks your base don't try to catch him , proceed to evacuate all your personal in an orderly manner.

26. Always have available a fleet of jumbo planes ready to take off at a moments notice in case your attacked by one single dude.


27. When you tell one of your own soldiers to shoot you to make your lie look more real, it doesn't hurt enough to hold your shot area in pain, or even limb.. or even slow you down. You can walk and talk normally, and also there are no bandages on said shot area.


Most hilarious post!

No. 20! Ah!


28. An alien spacecraft in the sky will not distract girls from texting about hot boys
29. Your father puts your little brother's safety in your hands but you decide fetching his teddy bear is more important than making sure you are with him on the bus to safety


30. When an EMP occurs, it not only destroys electronics in cars, it also destroys mechanical brakes, so that all the cars crash into each other.

31. Months after the apocalypse, gray tabby cats will be impeccably groomed and healthy as they forage for plastic-packaged food in convenience stores.


Re 30: Power assisted braking and steering must work differently where you are.


As far as I know everyone has an emergency brake.


...and back up powered steering.


They aren't emergency brakes. They're parking brakes. Almost none of them will stop your car in any sort of reasonable distance anymore.

Further, most vehicles in the last couple of decades do not have an independent mechanical parking brake. It uses the same system as the main brakes.

In addition, many cars in the last few years have gone to fly by wire systems that won't function at all without battery power because pressing a pedal or pulling a lever actually engages a computer switch with no physical linkage.

That goes for transmissions, too. I can't even put my new car into park or neutral without the engine being on. In some cars, even the steering is fly bywire.

Finally, almost no vehicle made in the last 60 years or so will run after an EMP.

While the battery might still operate (assuming it's a traditional lead acid battery and not a LiOn battery that requires an electronic monitoring circuit), the ECU (ignition control unit) won't work, and that controls the firing of the spark plugs. Plus, you'd get no oil or coolant pressure due to no electronic systems to engage them.

You would need a far older vehicle that uses mechanical points and a crank starter (or bump start it)for it to operate. It would also need to be air cooled with an engine controlled fuel pump. The alternative would be something steam powered. Also, many motorcycles made prior to the mid 60's would be fully mechanical and have gravity feed fuel systems with mechanical carbs.

Of course, assuming you had a working gas car, you wouldn't get far since there would be no power to pump gas and anything made 60 years ago would run at about 5 MPG. A steam powered car would require oil to heat the water.

For most people, cars would be dead missiles with no way to control them when the electronics were fried.

However, the real issue here is nobody seems to have a damned bicycle.
