MovieChat Forums > The 5th Wave (2016) Discussion > Aynone else a bit disturbed by the kissi...

Aynone else a bit disturbed by the kissing scene?

Evan looks to be around 30, while Chloe Moretz's character is still a girl in high school.


Considering almost the entire population of the entire planet was wiped out, the selection of people you get it on with/have relationships with are extremely limited.

Also because almost the entire population was wiped out, there were most likely no police to enforce laws, thus destroying all laws in existence.


They should have included some dialog about him taking a college scholarship right before the waves started to clarify the age of house character...that would have helped a lot. Maybe a scene where they were walking through the woods and him saying that exact effing thing. During the movie.

When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and I alone here?


Sure OP. Let's get disturbed by the fact that Chloe Moretz's character is under 18 having a consensual relationship with an alien who looks to be around 30, but let's not get disturbed the fact that kids were tricked into killing other innocent kids. Yeah, let's get upset by a number rather than a bullet to several people's heads including kids, put there by other kids. Let's also not get upset that the fact that the fake military tricked adults who willingly let their kids go to some place off on their own without their parents... and the parents allowed it while they were away from them and let them sent them off to a place they don't know. And let's not get upset by the whole world about to be wiped out of human existence. And let's not get upset that Chloe's character's boyfriend who looks 30 is actually an alien ... and she's dating outside of her very own species.

btw.. all that was sarcasm.


..I'm sure the actor appreciates you saying he looks 30, when he is actually 25, and should be no more than that age in the film, and Chloe was probably 18, as we don't know how long it had been after the first wave when they, probably 25 and 18, plus living in a possibly end of the world scenario too, which would most likely make everyone's thinking on such things a bit more flexible anyway....


go to church and cry loser


I was disturbed, not so much by the age and appearance difference (Chloe still looks younger than 18-19), but because the guy looks really, really super creepy to me for some reason.

Yet he is clearly considered attractive enough to be cast in a movie for young teen girls to cream over. I don't geddit.


The kissing scene would have been illegal if it wasn't for a movie since Chloe was 17 and Alex Roe was 24.


He does not look 30 at all. He looks his age, if not younger.
