MovieChat Forums > The 5th Wave (2016) Discussion > Aynone else a bit disturbed by the kissi...

Aynone else a bit disturbed by the kissing scene?

Evan looks to be around 30, while Chloe Moretz's character is still a girl in high school.



She's still in HIGH SCHOOL and a much older man is lip locking her!





18 is old enough.


If you think a 30 year-old man kissing a high school girl ISN'T disturbing, you're disturbed.



If you think a 30 year-old man kissing a high school girl ISN'T disturbing, you're disturbed.

Or a pedophile.........


High school girls are mostly post pubescent. So #nope


18 & 25... get your facts straight


I tried to enjoy this movie but the male lead's acting was horrible. I wanted to throat punch this kid to evoke some emotion but it is obvious why they cast him. Looks and skin sell!! I want my money back?


I found her dad kissing her more disturbing. He was a sick pervert.


I don't remember ALL.


He kisses her twice before she gets on the bus.



He just kissed his own daughter. That is just sick.



Incest is usually frowned upon.



You consider giving your daughter a peck on the forehead Sick and perverted? and incest?...Seriously?


Yes, it was so wrong.


You think he has kids?


So seeing a kissing scene is disturbing, but seeing 6 year olds with assault rifles isn't.


Yes, seeing a man kiss his 16th year old daughter is way more disturbing than any assault rifle.


I don't have issues with the assault rifle by itself, only when it's in the hands of 6 year olds, being told to go off and kill people.


There were no six year old kids using weapons of any kind.


Pretty much. We kind of have it backwards in America. Movies, TV shows, ect will get a R rating a lot quicker because of sex than because of violence. Killing people in various ways is ok, but having sex with them isn't. Personally, I would rather think my child was out having sex with someone vs stabbing them to death. But that's just me. LOL

As for Cassie, Evan and their ages. The characters are supposed to be 16 and 18. The actors are 18 and 25. Not a huge age difference. Not that it really matters anyway, actors play younger characters all the time.


Depends who they are having sex with or stabbing.


True lol


that male actor looked like he was in his 30s. pickin up high school chicks R. Kelly style


Alex Roe is 25, Chloe is 18. Evan's 18, Cassie's 16. Not a huge age difference between either actors or characters. I'm not sure what the big deal is. Is it really any less believable than Theo James (who I love, btw) playing the love interest of a teenage girl?


The "big deal" was that people though he was above 30, and she was 16, didn't you read any of the posts before yours ?
If so, then how can you not be sure what their deal was?


So seeing a kissing scene is disturbing, but seeing 6 year olds with assault rifles isn't.



Even though he looks older, he is not 30. In real life he's like 25 and she's 18. Not much difference. Besides high school girls do this all the time in present day.

"Experience is the teacher of all things." -Julius Caesar


They do more than that...


Who high school girls?

"Experience is the teacher of all things." -Julius Caesar


Yep. Now-a-days they're twerking and doing other adult things...


So why are people disturbed by the kiss? It's not like it's something new. We see worse stuff on the internet nowadays. Just look at all the stuff that comes out of Vine.

"Experience is the teacher of all things." -Julius Caesar


It's the media that makes adults think it's wrong.

And the adults all say, "I did this when I was that age, but I was too young," but if ALL adults did that stuff at that age, then were they really too young or just normal?


And Even and Cassie did have sex in the movie, which was obviously not shown, but it was very obvious that they did it.


I was thinking what if the twist was that she was pregnant with Evan's alien baby? LOL


So that must be how they get that alien thing onto a human's brain, through sex. lol


Yeah, that's what I thought too. Cassie got that E.T. D.


Something is wrong with your eyes. He is less than 7 years older than her.


Yeah, that's right. Doesn't she know that the only guys high school girls should have sex with are jobless high school boys. Because, you know, when they get knocked up and all it's such a great dynamic to have two clueless kids with no income trying to raise another kid.
I can see why you're outraged. Especially over an 18/19 old adult having a relationship with a 24/25 year old adult. At least that's how we define adult in this country. Which is rather odd when you think about it. At age 18 you're now an adult. When you were 17 years 364 days old, still a kid. Next day, bang, you're an adult.
I don't want to get into this whole discussion. Personally, I know I grew up a lot between 18 and 24. That was just me and that's because I was raised in this ass backwards country. I wouldn't want someone with less emotional maturity then you'd find in someone at least of that age (mid-twenties). Well, at least from this country.
Because as a species boys were men and girls were women long before the age of 18. It was that way, well forever and it still is today. Just not here. Now you're raising ill prepared adult sized children because someone somewhere somehow thinks 17 years and 364 days just isn't old enough for whatever it is they don't think they're old enough for.
Meanwhile, in the real world, not a single person alive would be here today if it wasn't for some knocked up 14-15 year old girl somewhere down the line. That line is probably FAR FAR shorter than you care to admit. If you have to go back as far as great grandmother to find her, I'll be genuinely surprised.
Not condoning it. Just pointing out that there used to be a right of passage into adulthood. Not some arbitrary number affixed to everyone like a best if sold by date.

