Any 21 Jump Street fans disappointed?
Since the first time I saw 21 Jump Street, I thought it was one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Then tonight I went into this movie hearing that it was critically acclaimed and largely considered an improvement on the first movie, but I walked out feeling disappointed.
I thought the movie started off on the right foot, became a little tedious as time went on, and then grew stronger as the climax came, but not enough to save the film. The first movie seemed a little more relatable and realistic, while this just seemed over the top as if there was no way it could really happen. And I just didn't laugh as much. It's possible that I just wasn't in the right movie-watching mood today because I was sort of sleepy, so maybe I should watch it again later.
And I didn't actually hate the movie, I would give it about a 6/10 but I gave the first one a 9/10.