Is 'one-night stand' a new term for Rape?
The girl is drugged and Raped, I dont know who writes the "plot" or made the poster but, the girl was drugged and raped.... and I dont see how this is "one-night stand"
shareThe girl is drugged and Raped, I dont know who writes the "plot" or made the poster but, the girl was drugged and raped.... and I dont see how this is "one-night stand"
sharei agree, the synopsis/plot wording is completely wrong.
shareI've put in a submission of a revision (any one can do this you know?), the reference number is 131204-232037-042000. Should take effect in the next 1 to 14 days, so they say.
"I made you a souffle, but it was too beautiful to live."
She said "no" sometime during the encounter. Everything after that, was rape.
sharewhodat, are you kidding?! please tell me/us you aren't serious. as mentioned to you, once she said "NO" the scumbag should have stopped. once she said "NO!" it became rape.
my god, i can't even believe you think what happened in that scene is anything other than rape. is that how you get your dates? or are you a virgin maybe who like the idea of drugging and raping a woman?
i'm gay, whodat. so no, your whole "insightful" attempt at an insult fails. lol.
but please by all means keep responding to me. you only show how sad and virginal YOU are.
the fact you keep calling people virgins screams that it is YOU who are the virgin. much like people who are the most vocal, hating homophobes tend to be covering their own latent homosexuality. same goes with you and your "you're a virgin" riff. that coupled with the fact you think it's perfectly fine to drug and rape a woman (or man)....yup. you showed your hand, little one.
You sound like you raped someone....
A. he drugged her, so heaving sex with a drugged woman is rape,
B. when the girl tells you to stop and you dont, it is rape.
So if you Whodat_4 have sex with women that tell you no... or if you drug them to have sex, you sir are a rapist
she was drugged/drunk because of her friend. she may have willingly went to the car and stuff. But once she was telling him to stop during the act, he should have stopped.
shareWhile suggesting that they "shouldn't being doing this" she was moaning with pleasure and using her hand to brace herself for more pounding. BJ obviously bought the roofies for himself
shareYes because sex feels good. But she wanted him to stop anyways
Too many ignorant comments. Do people not realize, that people are often having "one night stands" only because they are under the influence of something, primarily usually alcohol. She wasn't "outraged" by her rape ordeal, therefore, one cannot really class it as "rape". Saying to the doctor, she had unprotected sex with a guy, like it was no big deal.
Real rape victims are trumatized, and distraught. Sometimes contacting the police. She seemed to just act like it was some "one night stand" hence the subtitle.
Rape effects everyone differently. Stop trying to lump every rape and every rape victim into one extremely narrow category. Not everyone who is raped realizes that it's rape because society tells women to be responsible for what someone else does to them, that it's their fault for "getting too drunk." She was roofied and so she couldn't recall how she got from one place to another and probably felt guilty thinking she said yes when she was blacked out from drinking, and is blaming herself. Blaming yourself is super common.
What you don't understand is that anyone who targets an incredibly intoxicated person for sex is a rapist. MOST rapes are not reported and of the rapes that are, only 2% of rapists will ever see a jail cell. People don't report because there is no justice for the victims of rape. Only shame, humiliation, doubt, and re-victimization. You must watch way too many movies or something and not actually know any women. Those you do know must not trust you enough to tell you that they didn't report and why.
you comment is dripping with ignorance.
first of all, being lesbian isn't a perversion, it's a sexual preference, and since sexual preference isn't black and white, she might have mostly sexual desire towards women but because her sexual desire towards men is so little she thinks of herself as lesbian rather than bisexual. I know a lot of people that say they're gay even if they sometimes engage in Heterosexual sex and vice versa. does it make those people bisexual? maybe, but their sexual preference and how they identify themselves is entirely up to them. not some holier than thou internet loser.
second of all, sex is good, that's why we all want to do it. which is also why so many men and women don't press charges when they are raped, they feel like their body betrayed them, because their bodies enjoyed it, when why do they feel violated? because just because your body acted in a way that makes it look like you enjoyed it, if your mind didn't, it's rape. our minds are the biggest part of who we are, so we should listen to it. it's completely normal for people to act like they enjoy sex even if they are crying on the inside, it's a coping mechanism, and just as normal as completely freeze or start screaming and fighting back. and just because someone agreed to have sex with you, doesn't mean you are entitled to sex. if at any point that agreement is revoked, you stop. if you continue, you are raping that person. it's as simple as that.
Doesn't matter. She was also very intoxicated. This means that consent couldn't have happened
shareIf a woman or man says to "stop having sex with them" then everything after is non-consensual AKA rape.
The word stop by itself could mean anything: stop doing this or that, stop touching me there, but please touch me here. So stop by itself means nothing.
Being drunk unfortunately applies only in favor of women and we need to change this. It is absolutely ridiculous and downright evil to assume only females cannot make proper choices under the influence but somehow males can.
In other words if two people have consensual sex under the influence it is considered rape under the law only because the woman was drinking. If it is always non-consensual to have sex with a woman who has been drinking then it is so with a man as well and they have raped each other and should both go to prison. Which is of course absurd and most of the population would be in prison by default.
If we had laws based on logic instead of emotion: The male also could not make a proper decision and should not be held accountable.
Thus is the absurdity of laws created by feminists lobbies and some well meaning people but absurd nonetheless. Many men are in prison now and probably no women simply because of this one double standard.
But again "stop having sex with me" means exactly that and I think she made that clear in the movie.
This is a completely irrelevant and hysterical tangent. Men absolutely can be raped by women and can be raped when drunk. Men patting each other on the back for it and telling each other they should feel lucky is not the work of feminism. It's the work of toxic gender roles which feminists are trying to stop.
The reason this was rape long before she said stop was because this man was a predator who roofied her drink. He was not also drunk. In situations where one party is drunk, the drunk party can call that rape. In situations where both are drunk, it is up to the person who is less drunk to say no or not initiate the action. It is up to the less drunk person to look out for obvious signs of "too drunk to consent," such as slurring, falling down, vomiting, losing consciousness, being incoherent, etc., and noticing whether or not the person has drank in excess in general. It is very rare that both parties are in that state because one party has to be coherent enough to initiate the action. And if ever in doubt, just don't do it. It's not that hard, I've done it myself.
Only 2% of rapists will ever see a day in jail. Stop pretending there is some pro-woman bias in the courts. Most women never even report in the first place, and of those that do, it's THEIR name that gets dragged through the mud in order to prove they are "pure" enough to be considered a victim. The majority of the time it comes down to he said, she said, even with physical evidence present, because nobody witnessed it so nobody can confirm she didn't want it. So knock this "booo hooo poor men who rape drunk women shouldn't be in jail" bit because they AREN'T in jail. This is REAL LIFE not Law and Order: SVU.
for all we know, he ruffied her in the red solo cup and she "came to" while he was already having sex with her. She said no and to stop, he should have stopped. end of story.
shareI feel like if a girl is drugged on top of being drug then she's not in the right state of mind to agree on anything. That was rape
shareWhy do you know she was drugged?
I can't tell for sure.
The rape... You listen to her say "no", but I can't see her. How do you know that she really wants to stop? Maybe she is riding the... well, you know.
Don't get me wrong. I mean... It is implied and I think she's drugged and raped (and I'm not sure both things were made by the same one), but there's no certainty. She never said she was drugged and raped. She seems pretty conscious about it. To me it raises question, which is good, because it means there are some layers to her character.
Well lets look at things.
1.Drunk Girl stands in the kitchen
2.complete stranger comes over to drunk girl and gives her a drink telling her it was her drink. while we all know it was not.
a few seconds later they are *beep* in the car and she asks him
"i'm serious"
He keeps *beep* her while she's drunk and asking him to stop several times including begging him, that is called RAPE
so to answer your question again about "how do I know she really wants to stop".....she did beg several times to stop: "I'm serious" "Please" "Please" "I think we should stop"
Most rape victims don't complain about being raped due to the shame of it.
so I don't think she was raped, she was drunk and she was raped.
You don't go around *beep* drunk girls saying maybe they wanted it.
you don't *beep* women who are not aware of what is going on, and you don't *beep* women begging you to stop.
Well lets look at things.
1.Drunk Girl stands in the kitchen
2.complete stranger comes over to drunk girl and gives her a drink telling her it was her drink. while we all know it was not.
a few seconds later they are *beep* in the car and she asks him
"i'm serious"
Most rape victims don't complain about being raped due to the shame of it.
so I don't think she was raped, she was drunk and she was raped.
You don't go around *beep* drunk girls saying maybe they wanted it.
you don't *beep* women who are not aware of what is going on, and you don't *beep* women begging you to stop.
The movie itself is cool
has a cool twist to it and a good idea, they should make a sequel :)
And the drugs? Still no certainty. It is implied as I said.
Actually yes she was drugged. This is revealed near the end of the film when we find out the drug dealer sold BJ ruffies
What if she was rufied and woke up in the middle of him having sex with her. That is a plausible scenario. Whatever happened, even if it started consensual (which in this case, i don't think it was) he should have stopped when she told him too. NO matter how into it the guy might think she is.
Why the hell are you treating this as if you're on the grand jury? Filmmakers put these "implications" in there for a reason: to lead us to the conclusion that this was a deliberate act of rape. If this is the kind of hemming and hawing you do over what is an incredibly obvious rape scene in a movie I'd hate to see how you would treat a friend who came to you for help after having been raped. JFC.
And for the record, those "layers" you speak of, are exactly what predators look for to excuse their behavior. If a woman is seen as "self destructive" or "slutty," she becomes the one on trial, not the rapist. Rapists aren't these moronic slaves to their own dicks, they are calculated and they do this stuff purposefully. It's been 3 days in this movie, she hasn't even had time to process and fully remember what happened. It can take years for victims of rape to come to terms with it and see it for what it is. Her reaction of shame is normal because most people blame victims of rape for not protecting themselves, or try to suggest they are lying. And in addition to just coping with it (it becomes clear to me at least that she was blacked out and seeing the rape in little flashes, something that happens to people who are blacked out), she's thrown into this killer std situation. Like any of us would be able to deal with BOTH these things happening and perfectly relay to the doctor the next day what happened to us.
most people blame victims of rape for not protecting themselves
Mmmmm, no. No they really don't.
Consent cannot be given under the influence of GHB (ruffies). No exceptions. End of story.
Some of the posts above seem to be suggesting that consent is unnecessary or irrelevant. This is the mindset of a predatory pedophile; at least one of them has molested or will molest a child without remorse. The kind of bragging and confrontational attitude on display here is the type of thing that will get them caught.
So by all means, let's hear more from the rapist sympathizers. I want to see this thread be the catalyst that outs a sex offender.
I have to say it is very disturbing to see so many people say stuff like "she wanted it" or maybe she "said no" but meant yes and so on..... very disturbing
As if there are actually people that believe it is ok to have sex with a girl when she is not fully aware of what is happening, OR if she started heaving sex and then changed her mind, the guy can keep doing what he wants.
gosh what is wrong with you people its rape.. he drugged her by giving her a drink that wasnt hers its rape... Shes drugged she cant think Clearly its rape.....