Red Band Trailer < - First trailer

Wow, compared to the first trailer which received lots of dislikes, the 2nd trailer has improved a lot on what is to be expected and it looks to be one hell of a fun ride.


I'm converted. The new trailer was absolutely mind blowing. Also, they got Milla looking seriously sexy in this.


That new trailer put Hellboy back on the radar, it looks crazy fun. And also Milla looks great. It remains to be seen how much Shazam will interfere, though it's a DC title I think Hellboy has a bigger appeal because of the lead.


Playing Devil's Advocate here. Still feels like if Deadpool stopped by to interrupt a real Hellboy movie.


The second trailer is a vast improvement. I've just watched the trailer on IMDb as well. I reckon that this Hellboy must be the ugliest looking brute that I've seen in film. It looks good fun. Although I'm a bit put off by the R rating that the film has been given.


«I'm a Capricorn and you're … fucking nuts!»
