What would you do ?

What would you do if the world was coming to an end and you had 12 hours like in the movie?

I would go a similar party ,get totally wasted and VD not being an issue so yeah its free for all all you can eat buffeet.

Would you check out ahead of times like many did in the movie? would you riot etc etc?


I can tell a lot of the people that answered don't have children. I wouldn't want my children to suffer. It broke my heart to see those three little crosses, but I could see my husband and I doing that too. I wouldn't shoot them in the head while they were awake, tho, like the policeman did in the movie. I would give them something to knock them out, first. Understand there has to be 100% chance of the world ending, tho.


The movie Last Night got that part right.


Mow the lawn, and then re-sod the bare spots. Should be able to finish in 11 hours, then I could take a shower and get a bite to eat.


Tiddy bang Christina Hendricks.
