Isn't it interesting how...
... in a movie like this, where we have a female character who is a psychopath who does wrong and destructive and even criminal deeds, including escaping from her husband and making people around him believe he is the one responsible for her disappearance, faking her own disappearance/possible kidnapping and alerting tons of authorities, framing a man for sexual violation and committing at least one act of murder (against someone who didn't deserve it and who possibly hasn't done anything bad to her either) and yet...
Critics and audiences alike, apart from questioning whether or not the movie is "feminist" or "mysoginistic", go out of their way and talk about the evils of men, the victimhood of women and even declare this movie as a justifiable feminist way to fight injustices against women and whatnot (not that in real life in itself those issues don't exist, of course they do and we have had thousands of years of history and sadly modern times as well to prove it), what does this say about humanity in general?
Granted, those issues in and of themselves in real life DO exist, they DO deserve to be debated and contemplated, people and women all over the world need protection and respect, system is at best incompetent and at worst corrupt and downright destructive etc, and its not just limited to America, it is a HUMAN problem and sadly a vicious cycle and whatnot.
But can those issues and elements of catharsis really as such be found in a film whose female character isn't any kind of fighter for justice but a psychopath who does wrong deeds for arguably NO good reason and even kills someone not in self-defense but for her own demented reasons that are wrong and inexcusable?
Or maybe there is a lot more to all of this, and this film for that matter, than meets the eye meaning that its not all that simple either.
And maybe those issues as such aren't meant to be looked at in simple "good vs evil" terms and yes they can be analyzed as such in such a film - because in reality, those issues prevail and concern all of us, no matter how good or bad some people are?