MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Discussion > The Amazing Spider-Klutz: A character wi...

The Amazing Spider-Klutz: A character with no identity

Watching this, I didn't once ever really get a feel of who Peter Parker is. And as Spider-Man, there seems to be mixed messages.

In the suit, we get a lot him doing general acrobatics, which he sometimes nails and sometimes doesn't for no apparent reason - but there's such a lack of tension that none of this feel suspenseful or gives us something to marvel at, pun intended. We can say "nice effects" but can we really call Spider-Man amazing? As for Peter out of the suit, who is Peter? No, I'm literally asking. I know more about side character Liz than I do about Peter.

I understand that this movie is following two previous franchises, and is mostly trying to be independent of both - but it cuts out so much of where Peter comes from that I feel like we lose who he is. I'm glad that we didn't have that stereotypical geek versus school bully set up, but what we got instead didn't complement the superhero side in a big way.

Plus, as a side critique, a lot of the jokes really fell flat to me. Like, when Ned says he's watching porn? Ugh. Juvenile. Also, what kid would tell his female teacher he was watching porn? This is supposed to be one of the smartest kids in the school?
