
Why do people like this sugary-sweet Marvel comic garbage movie so much?

There were times where I wanted to fall asleep. Peter Parker was just a bratty teenager fighting crime against 'old' folks who want to kill him. Give me a break. The movie was stupid and a complete waste of time. Too many kids, centered around a lame kid with limited superpowers. It might as well be High School Musical meets The Avengers or something.


Rotten Tomatoes scores are populated by critics working at major media outlets. Nobody is more liberal than the media. And they gave this movie tons of points for having an interracial romance and other aspects of "diversity." They don't review quality as much as they review how well a movie puts out the PC agenda.


So you're saying in order fight off the trumpeteers we must upvote these movies to the very limit? I view a movie on movie standards. If this movie is not enjoyable or anything I downvote it pretty bad. You know why? It's my opinion! I don't need liberals to tell me what to do. What you do tomorrow or today that's on our side.


These days movies get rave reviews simply for not sucking and not being offensive.


Any amateur director can do that. What happened to hollywood blockbusters?
