Just a six, for me... The acting was great from everybody, as you say - but it took its sweet time to get to a blatantly obvious conclusion (and yes, I know it's based on something that actually happened, but it was obvious they were ultimately going to come to some kind of mutual understanding, otherwise they would never have made the film!) There just wasn't much of anywhere for the film to go, once you realise why it's been made. The actors do a good job getting you there, but it wasn't quite enough for me to be truly satisfied.
Nothing to do with realism or race, for me... and I wish people would stop saying 'It's at least [insert mark here]' ... Everybody is different, and we all think about things in a different way. I rated it 6. That means I liked it. Nobody gets to tell me I have to like it more because of how efficient it is. A story either strikes a chord deeply enough for the viewer to be fulfilled, or it doesn't. This was just a simple 'Racists can learn to change when given something by another ethnicity that their own race denies them', story. Well told, and it deserves praise for that, but still nothing I haven't seen several times before. Don't assume anything. You rate it what you want to, and I'll rate it how I want to... That's the true meaning of an 'open mind'!
"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"