So why... *Spoilers*

When the Demon calls in the cops for backup, why does he not warn them that he is holding a violent criminal in custody? The cops arrive at the scene flying completely blind when they should have been told over the phone that she is not to be trusted...


You are correct.

When they told the story out of time order, I figured out immediately that the woman was the actual villain. I recognized the non-linear story as a gimmick just to hide that.


those two cops felt like they belonged to a different movie.


This film had a lot of characters making really dumb decisions. That’s why I didn’t like it as much as everyone else seems to.

The demon gets sprayed with mace, and then basically walks right into her to get his neck bitten. Just moronic. You don’t go anywhere near her. You know where she is regardless of if you were maced or not. It was just as bad as the 80’s horror girls running up the stairs instead of out of the house when being chased by the killer.

Then the cops who show up…my god. 🤦🏻‍♂️ The male cop even says the right thing to do, but listens to the idiotic female cop even though he appears to be the superior officer.

Maybe it was just the mood I was in when I watched it, but it was a Tarantino wannabe frustrating film in my opinion.


It’s a wokified 80’s parody.
