The last 2 seasons were a convoluted mess
I binged the entire run in about 2 weeks. It was fresh in my head, and I still had to think too hard about the mess in the last 2 seasons. It was still pretty good, but I couldn't keep up with who was working for who, who was doing what, and exactly why were they doing it. They put so much into the story that I think they got lost in the writing and left loose threads all over the place
Taitiana Maslany did an excellent job in the multiple roles. She did a great job differentiating the personalities and mannerisms of the characters. Wardrobes and make-up help, but she was truly a beast in this show.
--What happened to Angela and Vic. They just sorta disappeared.
--I never quite got who Paul worked for. Seemingly a bitch for everyone.
--Mika (MK) stole over 3Mil from Ferninand. He killed her, but where is that money.
--What purpose did it serve to kill off S. It made no difference in the story.
--We never found out about Kira's seemingly special abilities.
--If Dyad sent out "monitors" for the clones, did all 270 of them have one? That a lot of work.
--Krystal's coincidental link to her sestra's never made much sense, and what happened to her.