MovieChat Forums > Orphan Black (2013) Discussion > I'm about to start watching, quick quest...

I'm about to start watching, quick question...

This series sounds very interesting.

I remember watching the show Utopia and the first season was great. The second season was a big bummer. True Detective suffered the same fate. The list goes on and on.

So my question is, in your opinion, does this show have a stopping point I should consider?

Think of Dexter? If I was just starting out to watch Dexter, you would recommend I stop way before season 8, right?

I mean no disrespect, if this show is fantastic I'll keep watching it. I usually don't ask for advice like this, but I'm just interested if anyone thinks theres a point that one should stop because the shows not really doing anything new or innovative.



I hated how dexter ended and season 5-6 were just awful,but if I knew someone had never seen it I'd either recomend never watching it or watching it all. And season 2 of true detective was better than season 1 to me.


I believe there are only 5 seasons so if you are worried you could always wait until season 5 and then ask what fans think.

IMO 4 was better than 3 and possibly better than 2, so 3 would be an unfortunate one to finish on.

(I also had an excellent theory to wrap it up at the end of season 2.. well everyone else hated it but what do they know.. :) )


I'm currently on episode 4 of the first season. I'm enjoying this show.

I'm not a fan of the Paul Dierden character. But I guess he's comic relief or some 'grounding' force for our Protagonist.

Other than that, I'm enjoying watching Tatiana Maslany do her thing.


I'm not a fan of the Paul Dierden character.
Many people agree with you on that.


Absolutely- I do agree. I found him to be robotic and somewhat confusing in S1 and the character never actually grew on me. I know some people who are fans and some who aren't.

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


I also agree. Never liked him, but I think the actor has a lot to do with it. He's just not very good. Seen him in other things and he's the exact same. I think he's just there for eye candy.

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.


I didn't like him much in S1, but I think they did a good job of expanding the character more after that. He still didn't become lovable, but he did end up being helpful to the clone club.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


Well, I recently finished season 1, now I'm on season 2.

I'm pretty sure this show wouldn't be as successful if it wasn't for Tatiana Maslany. She's a gem.


My 2 Cents:

I liked Season 1 and 4 the best.

__ __

All terrorists are MEN, so let's stop letting MEN in, until we figure out what's wrong with MEN.


I concur!

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


I just finished season 4 the other day, so I don't really know what's going on in the fandom. Did you get the impression that season 4 was well-liked?

__ __

All terrorists are MEN, so let's stop letting MEN in, until we figure out what's wrong with MEN.


Through interacting with various people on this board- it definitely feels like seasons 2, 3 and 4 each have their fans and those who thought a particular season failed for one reason or another. Seems like season 1 is the only one that most people agree was really good. I feel like those who didn't like S4 feel that way because of lazy storytelling and the way the season wrapped up. I think it's mixed between those who like S4 and those who didn't. I can see both sides of the arguments usually, but personally- I liked it and I liked getting more answers. I can't wait for s5 to see where this goes.

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


I usually say the way I view the season is which one do I find myself most re-watching when I want an OB fix. That is season 2 for me.

I agree that the more unanimous feelings are about season 1. I take that as being b/c it was all new and fresh, but with a lot of the questions answered at the end of season 1, the subsequent seasons went in other directions. One poster said that season 1 was the mystery and since then it has become a character study, and that is a good aspect.

As for season 4 and that ending, I took to be more like a mid season cliff hanger, i.e. that season 4 and 5 would be like two parts of the same story (don't know, but that is how I took it), with season 5 being the wrap up not only to the latest, but to the entire show.
