MovieChat Forums > Orphan Black (2013) Discussion > I'm about to start watching, quick quest...

I'm about to start watching, quick question...

This series sounds very interesting.

I remember watching the show Utopia and the first season was great. The second season was a big bummer. True Detective suffered the same fate. The list goes on and on.

So my question is, in your opinion, does this show have a stopping point I should consider?

Think of Dexter? If I was just starting out to watch Dexter, you would recommend I stop way before season 8, right?

I mean no disrespect, if this show is fantastic I'll keep watching it. I usually don't ask for advice like this, but I'm just interested if anyone thinks theres a point that one should stop because the shows not really doing anything new or innovative.



I wouldn't recommend stopping the series. The season four finale annoyed me because it left a lot hanging, but hopefully it will pick up again in season five.

I think there is a case to be made that the show should have been only three seasons, but the "third season" is season five I guess.

There were numerous male characters introduced in season three, and that annoyed a lot of people (especially women).


Since there are only 10 eps a season, I say it's worth it. And really- it barely seems like 4 seasons thus far because of that fact. If you stick with it, you will actually get answers, in addition to more questions.... but you'll at least get answers. This show doesn't leave you hanging on the details and answers for multiple seasons, so that's enjoyable.

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


I can't answer that question because I don't know what you value in a show. I do feel like there is a pretty strong delineation between season 1 and the rest of the seasons in that season 1 is very much a mystery/thriller where the audience has really no idea about which characters we should trust and which characters we should fear. In my opinion, seasons 2-4 spend more time focused on the characters and what motivates them and less time on the thriller/mystery aspects of the show and it becomes much more of a character focused drama/dark comedy that explores themes of identity, love, and family. I prefer the character drama over the mystery/thriller so I'm very happy with how the show progresses but I have seen others say that the show really drops off after season 1 and I think those are likely people who prefer the mystery/thriller aspects.


After reading the replies, it sounds like a safe bet to watch seasons 1-3 at the very least. Sounds worthwhile to me. Thank's ya'll.

Its kinda like if someone asked me if I were to recommend watching every season of Dexter. I loved Dexter but I honestly couldn't recommend that someone watched every season. Especially the last one, ugh.


I agree that some Dexter seasons weren't as good as others, and some seasons were just WAY above others.... I would still never recommend skipping a season simply because of the background stories that are going on that carry through from season to season. Plus, everyone's opinions are vastly different. A friend of mine named the season with Lumin (Can't remember which season that was) as her fave and I actually really disliked that season and loved the one with Trinity Killer! So.... have a watch, form your own opinions and definitely come back and chit chat with us on your thoughts!!!!

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


I think season 4 is better than season 3, so you should stick with it all the way through, then you'll be caught up for season the last, season 5. I have hopes s05 will be great to bookend the show between seasons 1 and 5. I did like season 2 the best though. Season 1 and 4 next.
But that is all personal preferences. Watch it two or three times to make sure you catch a lot of the little items that a casual observer would miss.


If you have not been told, the show was written to have 5 seasons only. With a beginning, middle and end. If you watch 1, 2, 3, I doubt very much that you would stop there. Either season 1 would not be your style, or, like most of us, More, More, More.


Oh no, no no. Absolutely not!

Listen, listen! This is a 10/10 show. You will keep your eyeballs on every episode all the way to the last episode. Each season brings something new and delves further and further in.


You will keep your eyeballs on every episode all the way to the last episode.

Ok. Well I guess its settled then. 


Season 3 is the bummer for most people, but if you survive the first couple of episodes, the latter part of that season is great. I recommend watching it til the end because it's ending soon, and hey, when will you have another opportunity to see such an amazing talent like Tatiana again?



All of the seasons have been fantastic IMO.

Oz: Our lives are different from other people's.
- Graduation Day Part 1
