Favorite pairings?

Just a silly, fun thread- who are your favorite romantic pairings of this series?

(Not an exclusive list)
Sarah & Paul
Sarah & Cal
Cosima & Delphine
Cosima & Shay
Alison & Donnie
Helena & Jessie Towing
Rachel & Paul
Rachel & Ferdinand
Felix & "Morgueie"
Gracie & Mark
Susan & Ira
And anyone else you can think of!

I grew to like Alison and Donnie together, their antics are comic relief, but you can see the love too.

I also liked Cosima and Delphine once I realized that Delphine really was a good guy at the end of S3 (or at least that's what I got out of it anyway). Before that, I couldn't stand Delphine, esp not after that initial "spy bang". But they made it seem like she did a lot for the sestras behind the scenes in S3.

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


Cosima & Delphine, Alison & Donnie, Sarah & Cal, Helena & Jessie Towing, Rachel & No One, those are my favorites. But what I really appreciate with this show is that it has so many different kinds of relationships, and not only the romantic ones are shown in the spotlight. Take Sarah and Felix, Sarah and Siobhan, Helena and Kira, Krystal and Felix, all those kinds of relationships. I think it is actually quite beautiful and important that they are shown as much.


I agree. I love the relationship that formed between Felix and Alison! I do like how the show takes time pointing out relationships and how important they are, and how you are family with or without biological bonds!

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


I also love the bond that Felix has with the other sisters. My heart melted when Helena asked him "you are safe?" in 4x09. It's moments like that when we get reminded that it's not just the sisters that are close. They're all one big family.


Oh yah- I did like that part too! Brother Sestra! It's cute how she accepted him and they all accepted her as well.

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


Felix and Tony
