What a poisonous film, very disappointed.
I've been surfing IMDB since I was was a young lad (24 now, been on since 10), and I've finally been provoked into making an IMDB account (so well done film in that respect I guess).
Basically, I was extremely disappointed by this film, and looking over my feelings: maybe even a little bit upset.
There has been such an investment in these characters over such a long period of time, that this feels like someone stuck a knife in and twisted for the sheer pleasure of it.
-The overwhelming cynicism. These were the people who met on a train and shared a wonderful night with all the joys of life? People who now caustically refer to the nastiest of allusions?
-The sheer nastiness of the characters, especially Celine. (I'm a bloke, white and middle class at that, so I'm sure my opinion is completely irrelevant). Throughout the whole film we are subjected to what is basically a rant about various issues, most of which are not relevant to the film or the characters we have known so much. This was not love, and maybe it never was on her part anyway.
-The insinuations of infidelity. Way to go to devalue characters who a lot of us have drawn upon to place our own lives. We all realise it is a film, but only a fool wouldn't admit that such emotive works don't have an influence. What a genuinely nasty approach to film making, to trash character built up so long.
-The sheer irrationality of Celine. I genuinely thought she was a little mad (and not in the good sense of the word either). Throughout the entire film we see her belittling him in every sense of the word. She calls into doubt his love, she leaves NO feelings as to her doubt of love. She is cynical about the past, present and future (if you asked me before we are 96; eeeh uhh) and seems to delight in rejecting him as a lover.
-The ending of the film was ridiculous. We've just enormous feelings and passions blitz through, and we are treated to an upset her and a foolish him propositioning about sex? Seriously? Are we treated as such dumb consumers that we would think a bit of shagging would solve the whole issue? It was a complete cop out.
Now I can see where they were TRYING to go with her character, eg someone who sacrificed a lot, but it made no sense. She ALWAYS (through our knowledge of the films anyway) was idealistic about various issues, not career focused. So to suddenly swap over and change was not fair on anyone. How was he to instantly adjust when she suddenly wants to blow in everything that she has always fought and believed in, to go and work for a bloke that even Jesse says he doesn't trust!
It came across quite clear that she never wanted the children. What an abdication of responsibility. Yes, surprise surprise, children are hard work and change the nature of life. It affected him, just as much as it did her.
The rant about looking after children etc was completely absurd. Their relationship was that petty that this was the sole issue? Granted he may not have pulled his weight (which wasn't fully explored due to the nature of their argument), but it came across like she was just fundamentally bitter about everything. How could a life be built around that?
(I did have a load written, but frankly, I'm not going to waste even more of my time).
In summary, I found this film to be depressing, cynical, dislikeable and ultimately: unrealistic.
People are not ultimately like this, and such dysfunctional, bitter and repugnant characters (whilst perhaps growing in trend), are not the norm, no matter how edgy the writers of the film wanted it to be.
I shall recommend to everyone that this series is like The Matrix. The first one is awe inspiring, the second and third doesn't live up to expectations and should be avoided to avert tainting of the first.