Good guys and bad guys, or simply, good versus evil, heroes versus villains!
Hi folks.
This thread in a way is an odd companion piece to the thread below titled "Misandry, the acceptable form of sexism in society" except here, we are also going to explore such and similar issues from the point of view of the heroes and villains dynamic, good versus evil, good guys versus bad guys, and from a type of fairytale or an action movie-type scenario where good wins and evil gets it. How do you feel about that, up to the game?
Also, how come when talked about various social issues, whether violent crime or certain problems, gender and otherwise, we rarely even MENTION that whole good versus evil dynamics, as in, do we as human being ALL realize already, WAYYYYY beyond breaking point, that life is not that simple?
Ah, but then how come on the INTERNET, including THIS site also, even when certain things are depicted and shown in FICTIONAL scenarios, people call, mostly male but can be exceptions, perpetrators bad words and wish for them to die a horrible death, beyond recognizing a high level of sensitivity of a certain issue or issues, do those people not see them as the ultimate hateful VILLAINS who should be defeated? Note, we are NOT exactly and at least not ALWAYS criticize such views, we merely wonder why they DO exist and what MOTIVATES people to have them?
Oh and yeah, can women or female characters be evil villains and how do you feel about them - and sometimes, BEYOND thinking that if they do any act that is criminal they should ALSO be arrested? Oh and whether or not you agree, as a civilized being, does women being also err turning to dark sides ALSO shock you, and do you go and start shaking and shiver, and with at least ONE topic, well, the fact that you also agree it hurts the victim, and if a FILM shows it, do you feel shocked? Even if the female character is attractive, in a beautiful female villain film trope sort of way, BUT, and not JUST in say films like "Basic Instinct" (1992), the film still DOES NOT say its in any way right either, but maybe it can provoke other thoughts?
Besides, there's a reason why we consider even in fictional medium men and women who do bad things different, right? And in a "good guys versus bad guys" scenario, where does and where SHOULD this scene fit in?
And also, what do you think of internet forums and whatever controversies or outrages or whathaveyous such matters and topics tend to generate? Is it mostly human nature in all of its flaws? Maybe flawed men and sad facts of reality. But never simply "good guys fighting bad guys" and craving for happy endings, like in fairytales and action movies, what do you think, thanks.