MovieChat Forums > The Other Woman (2014) Discussion > Leslie Mann carried this movie

Leslie Mann carried this movie

For me, anyway. She was the funniest and did it with the most aplomb.

Despite what others might say, I've always thought Cameron Diaz a fantastic actress - she has a range that few actresses have. I think she was most charming in CHARLIE'S ANGELS - deadly, sweet, and goofy at the same time. That takes skill to pull off.

But Mann had the timing, looseness, life and light that made this a decent comedy. Too bad it wasn't a great comedy. Still, I'd recommend it.


Her voice is too irritating. She just found out and they are in the bar talking about it and I already ready to turn it off.


I agree completely. I think she is going for the dainty baby doll voice but it comes across as irritating. Notice her at the airport. She is trying to be so cutesy and dainty. She isn't dainty, she's skinny.


My mother didn't like her because she couldn't/wouldn't stop talking - but I agree that she carried the movie.


I've seen this movie about 3 times. The first time was fine, but the other times I found Leslie Mann's character very irritating. She over plays the cutesy.


She was definitely the funniest, but Cameron was a great "straight man".


I loved LM in this. Her moments of insanity were quite funny, and the scene at the beach where she tosses her ring in the water was a glimpse into what a wife would really be feeling at that time.


Leslie Mann ruled!


My absolute favourite part of the entire movie. That scene on the beach. It was like I can let go of you and be ok.

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love..


Awe Leslie Mann was totes adorns in this movie. She was annoying in parts, but overall was believable. Really cute movie, and I thought the critics were a little bit harsh.


Cameron Diaz was the main character, but it's true Leslie Mann stole this movie. I love when she's freaking out about going to prison as CEO of a fraudulent company before Amber and Carly tell her how she can use that position to her advantage.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.



I cannot stand Leslie Mann's voice in this movie (in fact, in most films I have seen her in)!

For me, Cameron Diaz made me sit through this movie.


I disagree. I feel like she ruined this movie..or at least brought it down since it's not that great to begin with. I just felt like she was overacting like crazy when she was supposed to be the straight character while the others get to act more ridiculous and over the top and I don't think she did a good job with that at all. I usually like her but I have no idea what she was doing in this movie.


Leslie Mann and Cameron Diaz should make every movie together from here on out. They were goofy hilarious in this one. People may have really hated the movie and thought it was obnoxious, but it's just a specific genre of comedy- Silly. Similar vibe as the movie "Blended". All the actors played their roles exactly as they should've.
