I'm probably going to get flack for this, but I think Liam Neesons' statement holds true despite him being in movies such as this where guns are prominently featured.
First of all, nowhere in his statement did he say that Americans were gun crazy or that no one should own a gun- he said there were too many guns, not just in the states but in the world in general. To be fair though he did direct most of his comments towards the USA, but then again it does have amazingly high levels of gun owenership and violence.
Personally I agree with his comments about gun ownership. Regardless of this, I find it amazing that people on here are criticizing him for his supposed hypocrisy: he is acting in a film for crying out loud! It is his job and perhaps he likes making this kind of movie, but that doesn't mean that he has to agree with gun use! I am pretty sure most actors don't sympathise with every character they play or agree with their characters use or lack thereof of guns or any other kind of weapon, nor do they have to in order to play the part well. He is entitled to his opinion and to make the films he wants. He would be hypocritical if he had a gun collection and weapons permit, but to make a piece of entertainment that utilises weapons for the sake of the story? I don't think so.
Furthermore, people should be able to watch a film without thinking "Oh, he looks cool with a gun- I should get one!" As Liam Neeson himself said "A character... going out with guns and taking revenge: it’s fantasy. It’s in the movies, you know? I think it can give people a great release from stresses in life and all the rest of it, you know what I mean? It doesn’t mean [the viewers] are all going to go out and go, ‘Yeah, let’s get a gun!" Exactly.
People who are mature enough to watch this film should be mature enough to make their own decisions without having a film influence their actions. You can't censor the entertainment industry because of what a minority of people might do after seeing a film or TV show.
In short, I don't believe his credibility is lacking- quite the opposite in fact.