Show is SO hard to follow! Can't tell actors apart, smh... Sorry.
This is probably going to sound effed up, and it's not my intention... But does anyone else find this show hard as hell to follow because they can't tell the actors apart??? I seriously feel like a bad person for saying this but I honestly don't know who tf is who most of the time... Plus it doesn't help that none of the characters have familiar or english style names, making them all harder to remember or distinguish. They might as well all be named after the sound Charlie Brown's teacher makes, because that's more or less what I hear when a person's name is mentioned. There are 3 women (i think), who i literally still am not sure which is which. This leads me to continually getting each one of their storylines crossed, which effs up the ENTIRE experience! Add to that my COMPLETE unfamiliarity with Asian history and the fact that I don't know and can't figure out when the show is in Mongolia and when they're in China OR who tf even IS Mongolian or Chinese and we just have a giant cluster$#*%... I'm only on episode 6 right now but i'm seriously about to give up on this ish if it doesn't start making sense soon.
...That being said, I do applaud Netflix for picking this show up and taking a chance after Starz passed on it. It really seems like it wants to be quality program, and it's wonderful to see Asian and Indian actors getting some "playing time." My problem figuring this ish out is likely a symptom of a much LARGER one in that we as americans don't see enough people of color on television making it hard for those of us in middle america, where there is NO diversity, to distinguish the fine distinctions of individuals faces who don't hold the all too regular European phenotype.