the daughter

Why did they have to make her all school girl sexy? That skirt was wicked short. And I dunno about anyone else but when I got in from school I immediately changed into something comfortable. C'mon!


Why not?


Most men secretly desire a hot 16 year old girl. Nothing wrong with it, though Western society will try to make you believe that it is. Nonsense! And she looks the type to go after older men too lol.


Most women most desire teen guys and guys in their early 20s. They are attracted to youth too but are made to feel ashamed or to be reserved about it, which I don't understand.


I wish that were true. Most women have absolutely no interest in teen guys. Twenties, sure.


Research all the female teacher teen male student cases. A lot of women feel that way, those women just have access to them, that's all.


By "Western" you mean "American"? Check the age of consent laws across Europe, you may be surprised (spoiler alert: it's between 14 and 16 everywhere). Only the USA is so prude, and also cruel to imprison 18 year old teenagers for having sex with 16-17 y.o. partners, ruin their lives with casting them as felons, and legally treating them the same as child rapists.
