MovieChat Forums > Rectify (2013) Discussion > Would you date a guy who couldn't rememb...

Would you date a guy who couldn't remember murdering his last girlfriend

Personally, I would not.




Who cares, Ava? Dramas are about walking in specific characters' shoes for a little while. Perhaps one can see a little of oneself in them, enough to understand and empathize, at least. I did with Tawney; I could relate to that highly specific individual and why she wanted to associate with Daniel. I understood and empathized with Ted Jr. no less, though "I would never marry someone who was a bully."

Take most dramas and apply an arm's-length, strictly rational approach and they're easy to mock. "I wouldn't do that." Glibness is easy; anyone can do it. But again, who cares?

And "his last girlfriend?" He was incarcerated for 20 years. Sure, you get humour, but by distortion.

"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson


I care, that's why I asked. It's not a biggie, though, just making conversation and looking forward to tonights ep. Chill.


I'm just making conversation too. I say that subject's silly, but now it's a bit chilly. Oh well. It's a conversation killy.


That depends, is he cute?

I'm kidding. The answer is no.


A quibble: The subject line assumes that he definitely did kill her. I think we've been given enough information to understand that Daniel did not harm Hanna.

But, to get to the real question: Problem is, he doesn't know that. And no, I wouldn't date a man who couldn't remember whether or not he'd killed his high-school sweetheart, before spending nineteen years in solitary.

Heck, the nineteen years alone would be a deal-breaker for me. He's going to have massive emotional problems for life. There'll be someone who's right for him, who can accept all that, but it sure wouldn't be me. I'm middle-aged, people come with baggage. That's okay. Ex-wife, stressed and potentially hostile kids, all the usual stuff, fine, no problem. But severe PTSD with dissociative episodes from being tortured for years on end, hard pass.

I could be friends with Daniel. I couldn't be romantically involved with him.

"I know this ain't gonna sound good, but I just shot two people."


I see what you mean, Helen, but I reached max characters at that point and couldn't even add a question mark, so I let it go. Appreciate you and zoo's responses.


There were drugs and probably alcohol involved that night. I'm familiar with hallucinogenics and also the possible combination of drugs and alcohol. So no, that alone wouldn't deter me.

But I'm guessing that Daniel was already an extremely sensitive boy even before the traumatic events of that night took place. Regardless of the circumstances it was followed up by hours of interrogation and then years of isolation as a condemned man that basically tried to erase himself. The man is very damaged.

As unpredictable as he can sometime be I think the heart of Daniel is a very decent man but it would take a lot of patience and a lot of time for someone to work through it all.
The younger me would be up to the challenge. The me of today not so much.



i wouldn't date any guy, cept maybe micheal fassbender, and that more id just let him suck my cock
and i can't see this from a woman's perspective because of the hormonal, and sociological issues that differentiate males and females(biological or not)

but i myself am mentally troubled, and when ever i am with a girl who has some kind of mental crazy going on, the two negatives certainly don't make a positive, i need a ying to my yang( or maybe it is the other way around)

lets theoretically call her Danielle, i would get to know them way before dating them, and from what i know about psychedelics, and regressed traumatic memories,(and the potential to treat PTSD, which Daniel certainly has whether or not he commited the murder) i may take mushrooms with her, and try to guide her back to the past,

see this doesn't work, because events leading up to the murder, the case would have been more open and shut,
and even though it does happen, i couldn't see little 17 year old hannah dean, raping and murdering daniel,

maybe i wouldn't date them, but i would try to help them,

sorry, i am a little bit stoned, sleep deprived, and the gender differences make this hard to answer,


cept maybe micheal fassbender, and that more id just let him suck my cock

good to know.


You know prisons are full of men with girlfriends. The Melendez brothers both got married, Charles Manson was engaged.

Some women are crazy. I'm surprised none came looking for Daniel.


You and Mr.Fluffykins bring up an important point about gender differences. Something about Chloe's reaction to Daniel prompted this question in the first place, and the previews are tantalizing.

Daniel's side-eyed "You like being around danger?" looks very dark and menacing. I don't see him as a predator, so it was kind of funny. Chloe was the one who kept engaging, even when he was trying to leave, and the "just released from a long stretch in prison" disclosure only piqued her interest.



but isn;t Hybristophilia at least in a lesser form a societal norm for females?
nice guys finish(despite my entire hate for this word) the "friendzone" the safe nice guys end up in, at least during their 14-25 years, give and take a few depending on. the actual location, that is not to say that every female wants to *beep* a felon, but, bad guys represent that danger, that fire, that passion, that often burns out rather then fading away

as a social retard, (i may be a progressive but that doesn't make me PC) i can identify with the isolation Daniel feels on an existential level, definitely not to the extent her has, by far, and i wouldn't want to diminish his trauma, even if he did kill her,

but take the two last female social interactions daniel has,
the mother at the park being weirded out,
and then the pretty young blonde(Hannah was a blonde to, if i recall correctly, and a part of us is always trying to recreate the good old days, before we opened our eyes, and realized ignorance may be bliss, but it is still ignorance)
Daniel hasn't had the best luck with women in his life, but maybe what he needs is, "a manic pixie dream girl", although it would be tropey, and cliched , especially in rectify

do i have a point? it is somewhere in there, i am drunk, and am anxiously awaiting this charade of an election to be over with so episode 3 can air, no matter what sick and *beep* up world we end up in..


Charles Manson was engaged.

Some women are crazy. I'm surprised none came looking for Daniel.

true...even to me Daniel, guilty or innocent, seems like a hella catch compared to Manson
