
So why doesn't the movie tell about how Germany was looted blind at the end of WW2? Band of Brothers eludes to it a bit when they show American soldiers taking what ever they wanted and shipping it home at the Army Post Office. There are no good guys in war, just that the victors write the history books


Whoever wins gets to tell the story their way. If Germany had won we'd all be talking about what bad guys the allies were.

I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe


George Clooney perpetuates the anti German propaganda with other sell outs to their race.
Israel has murdered far more Arabs than the 500,000 Jews who perihed in supposed concentration camps.
"Israel owns America!"Remember it.
White Christian Boys dying in WW2 not knowing why they went?
Roosevelt killed all those beautiful German and American Boys and you know why!!!


You Holocaust deniers are pathetic creatures. BTW, you still believe Benghazi is a real conspiracy concocted by the current POTUS and co.? Go back to your cave and dwell there with the other Neanderthals.


The looting shown in Band of Brothers was nickel and dime stuff: silverware, military gear, etc. - nothing at all in the league of what the Nazis systematically "moved to Germany for safe keeping", that is, stole.


There is no doubt in my mind that the Allies looted Germany during and after the war. The point you are missing is that the Germans had an organized, systematic plan designed by the government for looting the art and riches of Europe. These were not individual soldiers looting a town. This was an entire brigade of troops whose sole purpose was stealing artwork for Hitler's private collection.


by WisdomThreeNine » Tue Mar 18 2014 19:12:03
IMDb member since November 2005
So why doesn't the movie tell about how Germany was looted blind at the end of WW2? Band of Brothers eludes to it a bit when they show American soldiers taking what ever they wanted and shipping it home at the Army Post Office. There are no good guys in war, just that the victors write the history books

lol. Germany still has Volkswagen, Porsche and others. The Allies rebuilt Germany, or Deutschland, after the war. Actually it would be the western allies. Soviet Russia was kind of useless with the rebuilding.

Pick nits, much?


So you are comparing a few guys in Band of Brothers taking a few things (which was not a policy of the Allied forces) to the systematic looting of Europe by the Nazis and the taking of all property of those whom they murdered? Really?



I agree. More importantly, it is the right of the State to seize what it deems fit. Whether Germany, the UK or the Americans. It is just stupid and wrong to call it stealing simply because it is done by Germany.

It is legal by definition when it is the State itself performing the action. That is what legal means.


1) operation paperclip - America wouldn't have made it to the moon or had icbm's without german scientists.

2) After all the bad things America has done since WW2 how dare they question anyone... regime changes, right wing dictators propped up. keeping a jackboot on central and south America's throat'
Iraq, Iran.. twice.
aupporting the right wing dictatorship in Greece.
Chile, Guatemala.

Endless support for the racist state of Israel.

Eat the Neocons.
