an ugly fucking black woman? seriously. she adds absolutely nothing to this show and is just an annoying eyesore. her character could've been replaced with an ok looking woman and it wouldnt have mattered one bit. why did she have to be black AND fat as fuck?
trump with elon musk behind him is about to absolutely fuck wokeness in every corner of society. are you ready? the irony here is i didnt even want trump to win because i'm afraid he'll destroy democracy in america but fuck it. i have no power over it anyway so i might as well enjoy the good parts of their win.
Another pathetic racist incel troll. You're such a piece of shit of a human being (if you can even be called that.) No wonder you have no girlfriend and probably still live with your mother. Just to let you know, the reason they put black women in shows isn't because of wokeness you dumb fuck, but because there are actually black women that exist in the world. You white-ass motherfuckers have been represented long enough, now these shows are trying to show what reality actually looks like, with a melting pot of people... jeezus fucking christ you assholes are so pathetic.
black women have no value and nobody cares about them. stop being delusional. you know the only reason they're front and center now is woke shit. they contribute virtually nothing to society. prove me wrong. are there any black women doing science work? hard labor? war? high tech? research? nope. i mainly see them doing black jobs. so why in the fuck would i want to see them everywhere?
Obvious troll is obvious. Seriously, this is the lamest attempt at trolling. But on the off-chance that you seriously believe what you are saying, and are really that low IQ and ignorant (which is hard to believe with all the data that is out there, thus, you must just be trolling, but either way, you are a pathetic piece of shit of a human being) then ok, I will prove you wrong. Here is a list of black women who've made contributions to the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, you stupid dumbshit.
just because you disagree, i'm trolling? i don't need that shit list. there is literally zero prominent female black anything in america. who gives a flying fuck if some of them got jobs in stem? are you that stupid? besides, stem is 90 white and asian males to begin with. explain to me why black women deserve to be at the fore front of media? what is their contribution to american society?
Yep, obvious troll is obvious. You asked for proof and I gave it to you, now you're denying it. You must have really disappointed your Mother with your pathetic life if this is what you do all day... is it because your Father abused you and nobody else loves you? I'm sorry if that's the case, but instead of wasting your time trolling, you really should get therapy instead, you obviously need it.
No, the fact that you keep posting racist and misogynistic crap in all of these threads shows how pathetic of a low-life piece of shit you are... and I'm not the only one calling you out for it, so hooray for you in your hobby of being a pathetic troll that has no other talents other than sitting on your fat ass to stir shit up for no reason other than to make up for your loneliest and lack of parental love in your life.
ok let's stop being in denial and go straight to the issue for a moment. is it the fact that they have to pad that list down with average accomplishments like getting a phd due to the fact that there are so few black women who managed to accomplished anything of value at all? dont dodge the issue please. let's face it together. the truth will set you free.
Hahaha! I absolutely understand your frustration. How did we go from Halle Berry to these munters? There's an epidemic of ugly masculine black women in the media, mostly bald. See Cynthia Ervio, Lashana Lynch and Adjoa Andoh, and those are just the British examples.
Stats from dating apps consistently show that black women are the least desired ethic group, even among black men. And yet they are constantly pushed despite the total lack of demand.
It honestly seems like the ugliness is the point. It's to deny us pleasure and punish us for being male. Having attractive actresses would go against feminist principles, or something. So we're likely to be stuck in this purgatory until the fashion changes or some studios go out of business.
i know. what in the fuck is up with all the bald black women now? they're so gross to look at. black women are wearing wigs in real life, they know it's ugly to be bald. why are we being forced fed this shit? they used to cast attractive black women and even white women nowadays are only average too. they intentionally cast unattractive women now. if anyone doesnt believe me, look back on media from the 80s and 90s. holy shit you swoon just looking at them. i couldn't even believe it. i rewatched melrose place recently and my god, those women were incredibly attractive. heather locklear wasnt even in her prime by melrose place and she was still that attractive.
I'm watching a ton of euro-sleaze/exploitation pics (70s/80s, mostly Italian) at the moment. Insanely attractive women, who clearly have no issues with onscreen sex/nudity!
yea, i think the radical feminist plan is working. i was starting to forget what extremely attractive women looked like. they wont let you see it in games and in movies anymore. you literally have to go back 20 years to see them. sometimes now when i see the cgi girls in asian games i'm shocked. they look unbelievably good. it's like, this is what extreme unattainable beauty is. the blue haired whales in america are probably fuming seeing it. meanwhile kpop is literally chasing the ultimate pretty girl. all 9s and 10s. they wouldnt even let an 8 into those groups. in america, we got 5s and 6s leading.