a few notes on season 6 premiere...
So, picking up with the Jennings...
A significant amount of time has passed since last season, which was...what? 1984, or was it '85? Anyway, it's now '87 so years have gone be. Phil is out of the KGB and running the expanding travel agency, and Eliz is still kickin' ass like a killer comrade. Paige has grown a bit and actually looks pretty hot now. Henry--the asterisk of the Jennings family--plays hockey. Stan's been living with Andrea from The Walking Dead who evidently isn't working for the KGB too after all. Margo Martindale's series got cancelled so her handler character has returned to help with indoctrinating Paige (by showing her Russian comedies...is there such a thing?).
Based on the chilliness between Phil and Eliz, and the set-up for a confrontation between them (Phil has been told to "stop her" from completing her mission), I don't see things ending well between them. I'm beginning to get a feeling that someone in the Jennings clan may not survive this season. Right now, the obvious choice appears to be Elizabeth, if she adheres to her hard-ass Soviet stance. But it could just as well be Phil or even Paige who gets snuffed if the show wants to wring some tragedy out of the Jennings' perilous saga.
Elizabeth killing the Naval security guy was brutal. But I guess she had to do it to keep him from finding out Paige's ID was fake; that would have raised some serious red flags (and not the Commie kind either!).
Nice to see Oleg back this season. I like his character, and I'm glad to see there's more of an attempt to make him more integral to the fate of the Jennings this season.
Lastly, who's the bed-ridden artist? Did I miss some exposition about her because I don't know why Eliz was in disguise care-sitting her. She made some cool canvases, though.