I recently received an email offering a discount to Heathers: The Musical, and as a big fan of the original film, and a fan of musicals in general, I am intrigued, particularly in view of everything I've read about this production.
However, since I always interpreted Heathers as a righteous attack on white privilege, I'm not sure what to make of the fact that only Heather Chandler out of the three Heathers, is played by a white woman. Now, out of all three Heathers, I'll admit that Chandler, the worst of the bunch, is the one I'd be most inclined to guarantee was played by a white woman, specifically a white blonde woman, but surely it would have made more sense to cast POC in the Veronice and JD roles.
Now it's harder to laugh along with Veronica and JD when they target the Heathers, because they're no longer exclusively targeting privileged white women. Wasn't this the problem with the Heathers TV reboot? That instead of three spoiled rich white girls as the antagonists, it tried to subvert things so that the high school queen bees represented so-called 'woke' culture (i.e. a plus-size lesbian, a gay boy, and a Black militant girl). So, why is the musical making the same mistakes? Isn't this another example of progressives, like myself, shooting themselves in the foot by favouring cosmetic diversity in casting, over the more important aim, which is lampooning and satirising particular forms of white privilege and power? Remember, racial justice goes far beyond the needs of a handful of actors. It's about indicting entire systems and people. And, like I say, if the people behind this production were so insistent on diversity, why didn't they cast POC as the leads (i.e. Veronica and JD) rather than the spoiled rich girls?
That person is disinfo. This is their new tactic, I suppose, putting out long passages pretending to be thoughtful when it's just another version of "this is woke because it has minorities in it."
For example, take this part:
Isn't this another example of progressives, like myself, shooting themselves in the foot by favouring cosmetic diversity in casting, over the more important aim, which is lampooning and satirising particular forms of white privilege and power?
Not to repeat myself, but I'm not only American, I was the target demographic for this movie when it came out. Heathers was one of a long line of movies (including Carrie and Revenge of the Nerds) attacking the caste system that exists in American high schools and to a certain extent, college, dominated by so-called "jocks" (football players), "prince and princesses" (really pretty or attractive young people) and "cutups" (class clowns). This system exists in every high school regardless of race or class.
The assertion that Heathers was about attacking white privilege is a lie, crafted by a foreign national who has no idea about the cultural roots of the movie inventing a fake narrative about the movie to make another variation of the "This is woke because the characters are not white" theme.
It's really angering--and frustrating--to see the lengths that these members of disinfo will resort to. In 20 years, Heathers and all these popular TV shows, movies and comic book IPs will be as obsolete as vaudeville, so what is the point?
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attacking the caste system that exists in American high schools and to a certain extent, college, dominated by so-called "jocks" (football players), "prince and princesses" (really pretty or attractive young people) and "cutups" (class clowns). This system exists in every high school regardless of race or class.
If you don't think race and class intersects with the social heirarchies that exist in high schools/colleges, particularly in view of the beauty industry's traditional focus on 'white beauty' and expensive high fashion, to the exclusion of all those people who aren't white and can't afford to buy those fashions, with all due respect, you haven't been paying attention.
Black women in particular have been highlighting the prejudices of the white dominated fashion abd beauty industry for decades.
Thank you. I'm so INCENSED, that I'm seriously thinking of going on YouTube to rant about this. This B.S. needs to stop. I have seen SO MANY foreign nationals putting "spin" on American IPs, trying to inject polemics where they never existed, trying to drive wedges.
I know that film very well, and I'd say that the Heathers embodied white privilege and I have read many think pieces and commentaries that have made the exact same inferences as me.
It's precisely why the 2018 'anti-woke' TV remake of the original film died on its ass. It tried to make genderqueer, lesbian/bi POC and progressive leftists/so-called 'Social Justice Warriors' the powerful 'privileged' bullies. Like I say, it didn't work.
You are WRONG, and the more you post, the more you expose your motives on this site as suspicious.
I am telling you--point blank, as an AMERICAN, who was a high schooler in the 1980s when this movie came out--that nothing you are saying is TRUE or MAKES SENSE. It's not true.
For the last time, the movie was an attack on the CASTE system that had been and continues to plague American high schools and colleges for decades. In every school, there is a problem where beautiful, sexy, attractive and athletic kids are seen as "popular", but anyone who is the opposite is not and seen as a loser. These popular kids will often bully, humiliate or outcast the so-called "losers" in school.
The movie, in addition, was satirizing and attacking two other trends in 1980s pop culture--the Preppie fad and John Hughes movies. Preppies were posers who tried pretending to be upper class and would wear so-called "high class" clothing and engage in "snooty" activities, but the entire thing was store bought and manufactured. They were hated in the 1980s as pretentious, along with the adult version, known as "Yuppies." That is who the Heathers represented. They represented Preppie culture.
Also: in the 1980s, there were a string of upbeat, innocent views of high school involving a group of actors called The Brat Pack. Heathers was clearly an attack on Brat Pack films (Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, etc.).
You can respond as you wish, but just know that I posted this as a PSA to warn other American posters as to what this is all about. I know what will happen next: no matter how much information I post, you're going to keep posting the same talking points about woke/anti-woke. This is the game that you foreign nationals have been playing for years now when it comes to American IPs. You'll pick a random IP, try to spin it as part of a woke/anti-woke thing. When when someone like me comes along to correct, you'll just double down on the scripted talking points.
"The movie, in addition, was satirizing and attacking two other trends in 1980s pop culture--the Preppie fad and John Hughes movies. Preppies were posers who tried pretending to be upper class and would wear so-called "high class" clothing and engage in "snooty" activities, but the entire thing was store bought and manufactured."
And now you're denying these women's class/socioeconomic privilege, as well as their white privilege. *sigh* *Only* the *upper-class* can afford to buy high-class clothing, whether it was bought and manufactured from stores or elsewhere.
Once again, you attack me for being 'anti-woke', and yet, your classist prejudices and inability to condemn white privilege, betrays your own right-wing leanings.
Everything you say mitigates the toxicity of the titular Heathers, because what you're implying is that *anyone* can become a figurative Heather. If *anyone* can access their privilege, no matter what their race, class or socioeconomic status, then it no longer becomes 'privilege'. In fact, you seem to displaying some admiration for these women, presenting them, contrary to the clear innate privilege they display in the film, with their expensive clothes and their large bedrooms/houses, as some sort of self-made ladies who have reinvented themselves as aspirational figures. Rather than the spoiled parasites living off daddy's credit cards, you seem to giving them far more credit for guile, ambition and wit, than they actually deserve. Why the **** are you simping for these women? They're clearly meant to be figures of hate. If this film is 'too misogynist' for you, then perhaps it was never intended for you. But speaking as a BIG fan of this movie, I CAN recognise the penetrating analysis of spoiled white high school female privilege that Daniel Waters is quite rightly satirising, and which his own brother did a couple of decades later with Mean Girls, another lampoon of spoiled rich white girl privilege...
...(next you're going to tell me that Regina George, with her family mansion, private driveway, and personal jacuzzi, is a plucky middle-class girl, rather than the embodiment of rich white privilege; I can only infer that *you* were born with a silver spoon, maybe all Americans are, if you don't recognise just how spoiled and wealthy these people are).
"Heathers was clearly an attack on Brat Pack films (Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, etc.)."
Tonally, yes, but the same socioeconomic class division observed in Heathers, are also displayed in these other films, especially Pretty in Pink, contrary to your absurd argument that such divisions don't exist in American high schools. The spoiled, glamorous, blonde Richies who bully poor Molly Ringwald in Pretty Pink, are a CLEAR precurser to the titular Heathers, and would have easily fit in with that clique, irrespective of whether they were literally named 'Heather'.
"This is the game that you foreign nationals have been playing for years now when it comes to American IPs. You'll pick a random IP, try to spin it as part of a woke/anti-woke thing."
Now you're going to display your xenophobia. *sigh* A common tendency among many Americans, particularly today. 'Those damn foreigners who don't understand our culture' [despite the fact that Americans shove it in our face 24/7, and Western culture is entirely dominated by American film, TV and music]. The 'woke/anti-woke' thing doesn't matter to me. If anything, I'm saying that Heathers is fundamentally 'woke', albeit in the most politically-incorrect of ways, because I am still of the opinion that it is lampooning white upper-class high-school privilege (as much as you may wish to pretend such a thing does not exist).
I don't believe I'm a 'disinfo troll'. I also don't understand why my opinion is so offensive to you.
What is it about acknowledging white privilege in high school contexts and thus depicting it, that you have a problem with? Do you have some sort of stake in pretending that such racial and socioeconomic dynamics don't exist in high school contexts?
If you're not an American, you have NO RIGHT to pontificate about this movie. And I regard your entire diatribe as suspicious. I don't even think you really know much about this movie or the idea behind it. I believe you're engaging in a new subtle version of disinfo, and now I'm suspicious of all the other posts you have written.
I was in high school when this movie came out. This movie had nothing to do with attacking white privilege. It had to do with attacking a phenomenon that has been a major problem in American high school for decades, which is that there is a cruel caste system governed by cliques, where kids who are considered exceptionally cool, attractive or athletic are at the top of a pecking order, and because of this, are given the right to bully and humiliate the uncool kids.
This phenomenon happens across racial and ethnic lines, in every school across AMERICAN high schools, regardless of race or creed.
No American has interpreted Heathers as attacking white privilege and sees it exactly was what it was meant to be (an attack on high school caste systems), so I want to know why someone who clearly isn't American making up a false narrative about it being that.
I find it funny that you're attacking me for being 'anti-woke' when I'm the one making a direct association between those pernicious caste systems and white privilege. It's MUCH harder to get to the top of any caste system, at least any that exists in North America and Europe, if you're a POC.
I recently saw a thread on The Craft page questioning 'whether racism existed in 1990s high schools?' *sigh* It's comical that you all think of yourself as 'woke' when in fact you're all denying the existence of structural racism and its pervasiveness within all institutions, including the classical American high school. Let me guess, you're all centrist Democrats, or as Chris Rock once brilliantly put it, in reference to Hollywood, 'sorority racists' (i.e. white 'progressive' racists, who don't actually recognise that they're racists and that they are at the top of an innately racist social structure, because to do so would seriously damage one's sense of self as a righteous and moral 'liberal' AKA a white saviour).
And yes, I'm not saying that the original film was specifically about white privilege. I get that it was about cliques and bullying, but coming from Europe, where race is nowhere near as big an issue as it is in the US (which is NOT to say it isn't an issue, but that we aren't nations built off the foundation of cotton-picking slaves and the forced removal of Indigenous Americans), white people are still at the top of the social pyramid, school included (in fact, school is the worst, because at that stage, *all* you've got is your identity, including your race and family money, to assert your power, whereas, older people have had years to assert themselves via hard work and college qualifications). So, I find it *very* difficult to believe that racial hierarchies don't exist in the average US high school, and it was clearly no mistake that the *original* film cast three white, WASPy even (I don't know for certain if all three Heathers were WASPs...
...but I'm pretty sure that at least two of them were), actors to play the titular spoiled rich high-school princesses (and wealth and social privilege is VERY hard to come by if one is not white; once again, I don't know how anyone but a right-wing conservative, or the most deluded centrist faux-liberal could deny such a thing).
That your response to moviechatterer attacks me for being 'anti-woke' is particularly laughable, when, as I say, I'm the one highlighting white privilege here. Then again, if some of you people had your way, we'd be casting Nazis and trans-atlantic slavers with Black, Jewish and Asian actors... *sigh* Nothing remotely 'woke' about that. Try offensive, culturally and racially insensitive, and utterly misguided and fatuous.
Let's call white people for what they are, instead of muddying the waters, as that terrible anti-woke Heathers TV show from a few years tried to do (which inspired many think pieces to, quite rightly, highlight that the original Heathers were spoiled rich white girls who wielded their racial and socioeconomic privilege in a way that no Black, openly gay/trans and poor person could ever do within such a framework). My guess is that you were one of the few fans of that travesty of a show, along with all the right-wing/4chen/alt-right dipsh*ts who celebrated it before it was cancelled for being complete trash.
And if I were really anti-diversity, why would I be suggesting that the people behind the Heathers musical should cast POC as Veronica and JD? The point is, I sympathise with Veronica and JD more than I do the Heathers, so, it makes sense for me that those characters are POC. Making the Heathers POC, makes people like me feel sorry/more sympathy for them, and that's surely contrary to the entire ****ing point! Then again, maybe you're less naturally inclined to sympathise with POC, in which case, who's the woke one and who's the anti-woke one here? Hmmm...
I find it funny that you're attacking me for being 'anti-woke' when I'm the one making a direct association between those pernicious caste systems and white privilege.
Wow, you really are disinfo! Hardcore!
I didn't say you were anti-woke. I said you were a disinfo troll throwing out another "this is woke" canard, which is EXACTLY what you did. You literally said in so many words that the reason why there were minorities in the musical is for diversity and nothing else. That is just another variation of, "There's something suspicious about the casting of any female or minorities in any IP; therefore, it's woke" sentiment.
This is what's known as both concern trolling and reverse psychology. Instead of voicing your displeasure over the sight of minority and gay characters in Heathers by playing as a (fake) Rightwinger who hates wokeness, you're just voicing this exact same pleasure, but this time playing as a (fake) Leftwinger who is so woke, that it upsets him to see these characters for a different reason than the anti-woke Rightwinger.
You are playing a character to stoke the embers of culture war in the United States. That's all. It's also why you were all over the Cinderella forums, too. Just prattle what you think are "woke" talking points about that movie to gain the trust of American progressives here at MC and make them think they have a brother-in-arms, then exploit that trust to start gaslighting them into accepting Alt Right talking points, one of them being that ANY time there are minorities or gays in any IP, it's suspicious or somehow self-contradictory to the progressive cause. Very cute.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I really pity people like you. Apparently, you have intellect, but rather than put it to good use, you've wasted it by playing mind games with people online instead of doing something more productive.
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You're giving me way too much credit, if you think I'm playing some 'gain their trust' long-game here. I type what I feel and believe. I don't play games. Life's too short for that. Life is also too short to constantly be questioning people's motives and assume they're manipulative and acting in bad fad faith. It must be so exhausting. In view of your age (you say you were a teen during the 1980s), I'd have hoped you'd be mature enough to have grown out of such paranoia and suspicion, and simply take people at face-value.
I'm not gaslighting anyone. Not only are you giving me too much credit if you think I plan things out that far in advance, you're giving *yourself* too much credit if you think I care that much about winning your trust. I mean, it would be nice to have your trust and that of others here, because I like to treat people in good faith, and would hope others would treat me in kind, but if you're incapable of doing that, I'm not going to bend over backwards, far less try to manipulate you, in order to win your trust. And if you believe that's what I'm doing, you really need to calm down and maybe do some meditation.
Anyway, thank you for your final paragraph. I don't know if I'm that smart. I don't claim to be. I am however, an intellectual (which is NOT the same as being intelligent, and not in of itself necessarily a 'good thing'). By that, I mean that whilst I may not necessarily be smart, I do ask a lot of questions, and I do think a lot about the world. Maybe it is a waste of my time, maybe I am wasting too much energy on silly things. I suspect you may be right in this instance. But if you knew anything about my life, you'd know that I've tried to be more productive, and kept hitting a brick wall, so now I make do just satisfying my own self-indulgent curiousity about the world, rather than trying to please people or put my *supposed* intelligence (and once again, I am doubtful whether I'm particularly smart) to any better use.
I didn't even read your nonsense, by the way. Your take on Heathers: The Musical, is a LIE, so I know that all you did is this game that ALL of you foreign nationals do, and that's to keep dropping talking points. That's how the game is played. I respond; you drop talking points and you double down in your stupidity and ignorance.
I'm going to repeat this for the last time:
1. The movie, Heathers, was about the American CASTE system in high school, a problem that affects ALL American schools, regardless of race or orientation. For instance, on the TV show, Family Matters, which was a show about a black American family, the "cool girl", Laura, always put down the nerd, Steve Urkel.
2. The movie, Heathers, was making fun of Preppy culture, a fad in the 1980s.
3. The movie, Heathers, was attacking John Hughes movies.
Nothing to do with your invocation of wokeness, progressiveness, nothing like that.
This is a give-away that you're not thinking straight. That you feel inclined to attack 'ALL foreign nationals' indicates you're a xenophobic bigot and/or paranoid.
I've not 'LIED' about anything. I've given an opinion, an opinion I can back up with various opinion pieces and commentaries, especially circa 2018, during the release of the ill-fated and unanimously trashed Heathers TV remake which made the mistake of portraying the Heathers as the antithesis of rich cishet white (mostly blonde) women, and ironically cast a white cishet woman as the protagonist standing up to the 'evil' LGBTQ+, body-positve, social justice warrior and Black forces in her school.
Once again, I'm entirely sincere about standing up for progressive narratives and agendas, which is why I occasionally vent my frustration when others who *seem* to be on the same side as me, screw up and do something that actually hurts the cause. I don't expect conservatives to dance to my tune (they're a waste of time), but I *do* expect fellow progressives to hear me out and consider where I'm coming from.
How is acknowledging white privilege and the racial and socioeconomic dynamics that make up society, 'racist'?
The difference between your anti-racism and my anti-racism, is that yours is very surface and shallow, whereas my is based on deeper, broader analysis.
I have the same problems with casting white people in ethnic roles, straight actors in gay roles, cis actors in trans roles, and gentile actors in Jewish roles, as I do with casting POC in roles defined by white privilege: authenticity. Yes, representation is important too, which is why it's arguably far worse when a white person is cast in a Black role, but authenticity applies to *ALL* parts. I wouldn't cast a Black person as a Nazi, for instance (unless it was in the context of a Hamilton type show, which is intentionally expressionistic, rather than aiming for authentic representation; in fact, the subversive casting of Hamilton, in which POC are cast as historical rich white aristocrats and Founding Fathers, is partly the entire point). I'm not sure how my insistence on authenticity and exploring those racial dynamics, rather than ignoring and smothering them, is 'racist'.
Personally, I'm tired of seeing POC, as well as Jewish actors, cast as representatives of privilege, because it plays to toxic narratives which actually empower white supremacists and bigots who (erroneously) believe that 'minorities have too much power', rather than acknowledging that minorities are still at a systemic disadvantage.
Sorry if that's too complex for you, but that's the unfortunate thing about politics. As much as I detest the political right, it's also clear to me that not everyone on the political left is sophisticated, nuanced and thoughtful enough to understand those of us on the left who actually think a bit more deeply about things. Sorry, but I can't be dealing with shallow, mindless leftists any more than I can deal with right-wingers; intellectual leftists are more interesting to me.
Look at how much he keeps dropping the same talking points on a movie that has NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT. How many times does it have to be explained that nothing that he says applies to this movie? At all? Yet he will keep coming back to disseminate talking points.
This is the game they play. This is how they roll.
No matter what you or I or anyone else familiar with this movie say or do, he's going to double down.
You're deluded. Okay, I guess I'm going to have to dig out those articles that specifically highlight the Heathers' privilege, but I'm telling you, they do exist, and you're in the minority if you don't think the film is a partial commentary on that privilege.
a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
[–] chiefcaseyryback (180) 12 minutes ago
Why are you attacking him? Everyone is racist.
I'm the least racist person here, so, if *I'm* 'racist', then the rest of you certainly are. But if you acknowledge that I am *not* a racist, I'm willing to entertain the possibility that you aren't either.
But your exceptionalism and supremacy will not wash, I'm afraid.
You haven't been able to identify any racism, and with all due respect, you're just posturing. Please show some decency and treat strangers with respect and an open-mind before judging and attacking them. Thank you.
Please grow up. I am being reasonable to you, perhaps you could be decent and progressive enough to return the favour, instead of behaving like an intolerant MAGA-head. You aren't one, are you? No? Then prove it. 🙂
I think it's human nature for us to all have instinctive prejudices, but that doesn't mean that everyone chooses to uphold systemic racism, and some people endeavour to suppress and mentally challenge their own racism. But thank you for at least demonstrating some degree of thought and depth, unlike a few others here.
original heathers was black comedys about bitchy girl in high schools. there was no metaphore or subtext. we all know asshole in life and this was film about asshole.
if you think there was such things as satire of white privileges in 1989 in hollywood then you are bogtrotting philistine harvey!!!
everyone know reason why film so good in 80s was this was time long before sjw woketards ruin storytelling with agenda and politic.
white privilege is mythos created by retard to divide your country which is full of retard who need to be victim all there lifes like keelai the hutt. there was no mythos in 1989 film heathers it is just film about revenge.
Look, I appreciate that Heathers wasn't *specifically* about white privilege, but I do think a certain socioeconomic privilege as well as the innate social shield of being born white and conventionally good-looking (and this applies as much to the two thuggish jocks in the film as it does for the trio of titular Heathers), largely inform the way these particular characters were able to dominate and control the high school. Unless a school has a largely diverse/Black enrolment, it's unlikely that POC would possess so much power, particularly circa 1988/89. Wealth + whiteness breeds a certain entitlement and thus cruelty.
Male privilege is also touched upon, because although the Heathers are presented as the apex of the social hierarchy, there are certain contexts (including one date-rape and a visit to a college fraternity where the co-eds display a certain male entitlement) where even the ordinarily super-privileged and powerful members of Westerburg High's reigning clique are abused or subjugated on account of their sex.
I'm not going to get into a political debate with you about 'sjw woketards' but I will say that although this film is gloriously cynical and far from politically-correct, it's also clearly taking potshots at the people with the most social power. It's just a shame that we all have to be so earnest and po-faced about speaking truth to power these days (although I guess that's because satire and humour didn't really achieve much in the end, which might explain why once-funny progressive satirists like Stephen Colbert and John Oliver stopped telling jokes and gave up the pretence of hiding their sermons, most of which I fundamentally agree with, behind the easier-to-swallow pill provided by humour).
but I do think a certain socioeconomic privilege as well as the innate social shield of being born white
Wealth + whiteness breeds a certain entitlement and thus cruelty.
no you are wrong harvey. look at character in this film call Martha Dumptruck (keelai the hutt's twin). this woman is white and rich yet she no look like she have much fun in this film do she? she treat worse than dirts. where does white privilege get this hamplanet and many more like her across west?
dillon klebold and erik harris were two hansome rich white privledge man and were ass kicked by jock douche daily. there wealth and white privledge and male privledge did not protect them from asshole and they lose mind.
asshole are main villain in life and this film lampoons asshole. an asshole is asshole no matter race or wealths. come to my shit hole school i go to and you get ass kicked all time hahahahahah
when will you western sjw's learn that human are bad to each other in every place on this planet earth for 1000s year? you are brainwash by race so much you cannot think straights hahahahahahahha. you blindly follow propaganda to much.
all these teen comedys in 80s are write and direct by white peoples and this film if i was guess is to satire the mean peoples they know in rich school which all happen to be white. white is not core to story it could be any race that is why they are great storys. watch boys in the hood and you see same type of things with trey dodging asshole all film.
we do know dumptruck is rich. school in film is rich and suburbs and dumptruck go to same school as mean skanks. it does not take rocket science to know dumptruck should benifet from white privlege yet the poor hamplanet get it worse than anyone. it contradict your theorys harvey.
being white privledge does not save fat and fugly peoples from abuse at hands of shithead peoples. white privlegde is american phrase used to whip up diversity into racial frenzy and ruin film with woketard politics.
Oh, I agree that there are other factors besides white privilege, or socioeconomic privilege. It's all intersectional.
If you're overweight or homely, like poor Martha, you won't benefit from the same level of privilege as the three classically attractive spoiled rich white girls who rule the school.
Still, I always assumed that Westerburg High was a public school, possibly set in a relatively wealthy district, and that it admitted a mix of kids from rich, middle-class and poor backgrounds.
you either have advantage by being whites or not! cannot change goal post!
whether dumptruck can be confirm as rich or trailer park, it does not matter. real life example of columbine high school prove you cannot escape asshole by privledge.
STOP engaging with him. He is DISINFO, not an SJW. Disinfo.
He is not American, not a GenXer (the generation that this movie was made for), was not the age group for whom this movie was made. He doesn't understand or know the context of the film.
He doesn't believe what he's saying. This is part of the game, to pretend to be an advocate.
His JOB, like all the other disinfo agents at MC and other sites, is to cherry pick random American IPs and kickstart some fake woke/anti-woke false narratives to get Americans divided. TheArgentinian and a few others on this site are part of the same nonsense--troll farmers.
The part of the game is for you to keep arguing with him, so that he keeps dropping more and more fake narratives.
Notice how he can't stop responding. Americans have EXPLAINED what the movie is about. He won't stop responding because part of the job is to stay CAMPED and keep arguing no matter what you say to him.
I'm not American. Correct. I am however a GenXer (barely). And I went to high school, and I'm familiar with the films of John Hughes, from that era, which Daniel Waters was commenting on and responding to.
TheArgentinian says some things I agree with. They also say some stuff I don't agree with. But I appreciate their perspective, and am pleased they're here.
And I can forward you various links and quotes that prove I am quite accurate in my analysis of this film.