When it was released and the reviews came out and everybody said it is a 10/10 and a masterpiece i thought that i have to play this game. I played half way through and got bored and waited for something to happen, to understand why everybody is in love with this game but it was just boring with **** AI and **** gameplay.
If you like cover shooters with a lot of stealth, plattforming and enviromental puzzles and you didn't like this game then I feel like you have very poor taste in video games. This is one of the best games of it's kind. I challenge you to tell me games that fit those characteristics that are better than this game.
That said, if you don't like enviromental puzzles, stealth mechanics, constant plattforming while make you go from one place to the other, story driven games or even cover shooters. Then the gameplay may end up boring you no matter how good the game from that genre is.
Video games are like movies in that way. It doesn't matter how good people tell you The Notebook is, if you don't like romance, then you won't like it either.
For everyone else that doesn't mind these characteristics in games or even enjoy them, then this game is a masterpiece and that's why it is so acclaimed.
I personally like games with the characteristics you've mentioned but I too am finding this game to be a chore. Granted, I'm only about 90 minutes into it but I'm absolutely bored out of my skull. I dont get all the hype and worship. It's so painfully slow and dull. I'd compare this to games like Uncharted, Splinter Cell, Fear etc but I personally thought all of those were better than this has been so far. I'm at the point where I just don't have the urge to carry on playing it. The environments are dull and empty, the gameplay is slow and laboured and there are far too many cut and chat scenes. I don't actually feel like I'm playing a game at times, more like I'm watching someone else play it for me, there's just not been enough to do. It's by no means the worst game I've ever played but considering this is the best game ever if IMDB's ratings are anything to go by, I expected a lot more. I know I should play a game to the end before forming an opinion but I'm not sure this has held my interest enough to ensure I'll continue with it. And there's nothing wrong with my taste, I just like game that keep me gripped, excited and entertained and unfortunately, this one just isn't doing that for me at the moment which is a shame as I really did want to like this one.
I wouldn't quite compare this game to the Uncharted series. If you were expecting the latter, then yeah I get how you might be disappointed.
The gameplay while intuitive (to me at least) is repetitive. Go from point A to B without dying. How you undertake this trip, whether you want to fight your way through, or go through with stealth or a little bit of both is up to you.
That being said I did quite enjoy those encounters. One reason is that I started playing the game on Hard then moved to Survivor. I feel that I would not have had the same experience had I started on Easy or Normal as the encounters would have been too trivial.
The reasons why I liked this game though, is not so much for the gameplay but for the, 1. Story 2. Character development 3. Score 4. Graphics 5. The breath taking post apocalyptic world this game presented. On my first walkthrough, I actually took my time and explored every bit available to me.
The game initially does feel like it has *beep* controls and game play. I bought this game over a year ago. I've just reached Jackson county in the Fall. This game takes A LOT of time to get to grips with everything. I mean to be able to grow tolerance to the game play mechanics and frustrating sections throughout. If you can manage to hold on. Even if you take breaks from the game for any length of time. Do come back to it. If you do you can see the immersion is there. It's just not a 10/10. People hyping a game above and beyond the actual level of quality it possesses can and sometimes does kill it dead. It's happened to me with other games out there.
Rab: "Take a man's faimly away and whit's he got?" Jamesie: "Nothing but money and freedom!"
Maybe TLOU is not for everyone. Sometimes non-stop action is a little too much for me to take, but I like a multitude of styles when it comes to games. Different strokes for different folks I suppose. The story is great, the visuals are stunning, the mechanics aren't perfect, but not the worst by any stretch. I might have my own little quibbles with it, but I don't get where you're coming from as far as "nothing happening" goes, a lot of stuff happens and it kept me enthralled throughout.
Exactly. If you are a gamer and this isnt your type of game i can understand but to say this masterpiece is overrated or boring just tells me all i need to know about you as a person.
Anyone who uses the term "Mary Sue" is a dirty neck beard having homosexual hipster.