cash mc, That 'PILL' probably exists NOW! It's called our WILL, spirit, or soul. It is ETERNAL, and just moves on to another being after our bodies wear out or are prematurely 'killed'. If we want to EVOLVE into a HIGHER God-consciousness, we need to LIVE in that HIGHER consciousness, by RAISING our 'frequencies'. We can do that by thinking, speaking, and LIVING/behaving in a frequency of...LOVE. Anyone who has had a "spiritual experience" like I have had in 1992, will automatically shift into a HIGHER realm, or resonance, IF we TRUST our HIGHER POWER to help us along that journey. In MY experience it was/is a LOVING Creator that is helping me to achieve a piece of 'Nirvana.' That is a HIGHER(benevolent) state of BEING. I CHOSE/choose that way of LIFE, (most of the time at least) I'm also 39 years vegan. My life actions now reflect those choices I made and still make today. Choose LOVE over FEAR, and REALLY start living! Start by doing baby steps, and soon after you will see, and FEEL yourself morphing to higher levels. I don't think there is any QUICK-FIX, but the process goes at God's speed. Methinx that is why the adage..."ONE day at a time." It usually takes us years to degrade ourselves, so it will take time to HEAL, and repair too... (=.