But hey, keep looking for villains lurking in every corner, hiding under every rock, and I've no doubt you'll always find one
Clumsy dodge. Instead of making generalizing straw man arguments about villains that can only be discerned by the paranoid, how about discussing what I
actually wrote and asked you about?
What would it tell you if an otherwise forceful male character desperately cuddled an oversized Mickey Mouse in the middle of the night? Don't give me plot points where semiotics is called for.
That you perceive this as "frigid," well that's your peculiar hangup.
I guess Google is not your friend, even when I did the googling for you. Many alert viewers
did recognize the trope. She did more than act professionally. She was more than aloof. She was a prune. I don't know how Emma Thompson's grimaces and closed-in body language could have made that any more clear.
she was warm to and even hugged him.
As incredible as this may seem to you, frigid women
can give hugs now and then; they can even
thaw... when the "right man" comes along. Why do you pretend you've never encountered that literary and cinematic trope before?
she wasn't placed in any type of setting to demonstrate such a thing.
Except in bed. In the middle of the night.
Come off it, now. Don't pretend you don't recognize the stereotype of scorned woman whose hatred of men leaves her "bitter". Why, you tapped into that hoary cliche in your very first post to me:
It sucks going through life seeing sexism lurking in every corner and generally just being bitter, huh? That was you not having a rational argument but rather attempting to shut mine down with the sleazy "bitterness" trope.
In other words, your opening gambit was a total fail.