Hmmm ... well, I'm glad to hear that many foster homes are good; I guess there have to be bad apples in everything including, as you say, orphanages. I think many were run by nuns who could be pretty tyrannical, for one thing.
I once read an absolutely heart-rending book, apparently a true story, about a boy who was left at an orphanage by his mother who promised to return but apparently never did. I tried to find it with a few search terms and ran into something called They Cage the Animals at Night, published in 1984, which may be it, but I'm not sure because a review says the children's stuffed animals were taken away and locked up at night. That is the opposite of what I remember, in that I thought I remembered that the animals were locked up during the day and given out at night and that the children absolutely clung to them all night long. So I'm not sure it's the same book. Here's the Goodreads link about They Cage the Animals at Night: Apparently the author passed away in 2013. I'd have to read this to see if it's the same book, but, anyway, apparently this author spent a lot of time in foster homes, too. Perhaps you know of the book. Or just FYI.