MovieChat Forums > V/H/S (2012) Discussion > The nudity in this movie...

The nudity in this movie...

WAY OVER THE TOP. First i must say that i am not bothered by nudity however i felt like the producers and directors of this movie wanted to shove nudity in our face. I really do not understand why they had to insert so much unnecessary nudity in this movie. They would show boobs when it was completely unnecessary just because they could. I was bothered by it to be honest.


I thought the nudity was par for the course with the trashy style f the whole production, I'd have been disappointed if there wasn't any nudity.



Agreed. The film was 3rd rate cheap thrills garbage with little substance to it. So if I was watching it and there wasnt any nudity I would have been annoyed. Whats next? Are we going to complain that our bad horror movies have too much blood and gore in them and it interferes with appreciating the subtleties of the art or something? Frankly I was disappointed neither of those two chicks in the killer in the woods sequence showed even the slightest bit of skin. The were both more attractive then the web cam girl.


Usually I'd agree, but sometimes I try to give the benefit of the doubt to the concept that being nude makes us even more vulnerable, which heightens the fear & panic in a lot of the scenes.


I actually thought that for a rare exception the nudity served the story. If we think of the VHS segments as what those people would actually record, given what we know of them - the obnoxious guys in the first clip would most definitely film the young lady's naked body, and in the Emily clip the girls taking their tops off was part of the seduction of trust.

Yes, the editors *could* have worked the story to avoid the nudity. But just as gratuitous nudity can feel forced, *avoiding* the nudity here would have felt forced.


Then go watch Frozen.


I dislike gratuitous stuff thrown into movies, whatever it may be - typically nudity, language, violence and, for some reason, syringe injections. But I did not find the nudity in this movie to be distracting or to take away from the stories, so I respectfuly disagree with the OP on this one. Here, it was fitting I thought.

When it's thrown in for no real purpose, I find it distracting and annoying and, in my opinion lessens the film. I suppose it's a matter of opinion though.
