MovieChat Forums > V/H/S (2012) Discussion > VOTE: Best Segment.

VOTE: Best Segment.

Let's find out which one is people's favorite segment. I'm sorry if someone has already done this, but I just saw the movie and I'm really curious to know what you guys think. My favorite segment is 'The Sick Thing That Happened to Emily When She Was Younger', which is the video chat one.
So just put the number corresponding to the one you think is the best.

1 - Amateur Night; the demon girl in the motel room.
2 - Second Honeymoon; the couple travelling on their honeymoon.
3 - Tuesday the 17th; slasher in the woods one.
4 - The Sick Thing That Happened to Emily When She Was Younger; the video chat.
5 - 10/31/98; Halloween haunted house.

I try to write stuff... It doesn't work very much...


1. Amateur Night
2. Second Honeymoon

Loved "Amateur Night" and liked "Second Honeymoon", it all went downhill from there.


3 (reminded of slenderman, that's why I liked it)
5 (easily the scariest one, but a lackluster ending)
1 (did not expect the outcome of this one)
4 (had a strange story)
2 (was not horror enough)


5. Not so good altogether but the scene where the guys are chanting along with the people in the attic, and they're like "Who the hell are you?" had me in stitches

1. Scary, disturbing and thought provoking. The idea itself is not that original, but the execution sure is

3. The glitch demon!

4. Sick and disturbing

5. Unnerving

Wraparound - not too bad, makes me wonder what was the deal with the old man. Was he a perv Vampire?

All in all I really enjoyed this movie.


You listed 5 twice.


1.Amateur Night
2.Tuesday the 17th
3.Tape 56
4.The Sick Thing that Happened to Emily When She was Younger
5.Second Honeymoon


1 - Amateur Night:
Fantastic, it was the best segment, by far. I LIKE.

4 - The Sick Thing That Happened to Emily:
I'm a sucker for these alien/hybrid stories. The twist was a bit out of nowhere bearing in mind that at first it seemed just ghost thing, but still, I liked it a lot.

5 - 10/31/98; Halloween haunted house:
Well done, but it felt a bit generic.

3 - Tuesday the 17th:
Not much to say about this one. Slashers in the woods. NO like.

2 - Second Honeymoon;
Boring and totally predictable. It was quite effective though.


Amateur Night and 10/31/98 were the best.


1 - The Sick Thing That Happened to Emily When She Was Younger; the video chat.
2 - Second Honeymoon; the couple travelling on their honeymoon.
3 - Tuesday the 17th; slasher in the woods one.
4- Amateur Night; the demon girl in the motel room.
5 - 10/31/98; Halloween haunted house.


I liked them all, but Halloween haunted house was my favorite! I love how quickly things went *beep* crazy!
