MovieChat Forums > V/H/S (2012) Discussion > Scariest movie that you've seen?

Scariest movie that you've seen?

Ok, I liked this movie. It had some pretty creepy parts despite some bad acting/writing... but it got me to wondering, what do other people consider the scariest movie they've ever seen? I really want something SCARY..that'll keep you up at night... so tired of watching semi-scary movies that you forget as soon as the lights are out. Just looking for some good, recently made horror in the past 10-15 years... because I've seen a lot of old stuff and that stuff is great. Any recommendations?

Personally I dig Rosemary's Baby...The Exorcist... Halloween.....Texas Chainsaw Massacre... the stuff that has scared me the most unfortunately hasn't been straight horror movies (the T-1000 in Terminator 2, Predator, Alien, Martyrs...) so I'm kinda wondering where all the good, recent horror is at?

{Never can say goodbye...R.I.P MJ}


I consider martyrs as a straight horror movie, it was like 80% horror/gore/etc and 20% drama.


i honestly can say ive never seen a film that has actually scared me

and im affraid you can not count all those films that have cheap jump scares in them, someones walking they turn look behind them and someone jumps out

thats not a scary movie


Have you seen Session 9?

You might like it.

I'm not a fan of BOO scares nor gore in a horror film.
Okay, maybe an occasional "BOO" but I don't want a horror film to rest on that element.


Rosemary's Baby was the scariest movie I've ever seen, but I see you already have that on your list of movies...

I'd say the most recent horror movies that have scared me bad are Insidious and The Woman in Black.

I keep hearing about Session 9! It's really that good?


Rosemary's Baby wasn't scary. Maybe for its time I guess. But I was expecting way more out of it. Like to actually SEE something. I guess I have high expectations.

Session 9 sucked.

I do agree with you on Insidious and The Woman In Black however. Scary ass movies lol.



you realize that making comments like that on a stuffy website like IMDB is basically inviting every snob on here to take a massive, self-satisfied dump on your chest, right?? sure itès unfortunate that something as trivial as your opinion will get you admonished and all, but c'est la vie. (seriously though, you dont find rosemary's baby effective in NOT showing you everything? imagine if that last scene had some totally lame, hokey puppet or -god forbid- some rancid CGI abomination like they'd do today...!)

my opinion on V/H/S so far (im only ¼ done the thing) is that its already annoying me with its poor acting (the guy sitting on the couch in the first segment just laughing and laughing pissed me off) and writing (after the succubus/harpy/misc. lady-beast flies off the bed in a manner clearly unavailable to mortal beings -AFTER taking their friend apart, that is- i would have thought the two guys in the bathroom would book the #### out of the room instead of going BACK in the bathroom to freak out some more.) are silly as hell. maybe the other bits are better. i hope so. in post-child life ive found only a few movies creepy in any meaningful ways... "the blair witch project" i still find is pretty damn effective, "the woman in black" had me looking around corners a bit less easy for a while, and "1408", while not really scary, had a really interesting, nightmarish element in the whole 'horrible drug trip-fever dream-insanity' theme. the short story by stephen king is much, much more pronounced in this aspect for obvious reasons; that whole insanity/losing one's grip on reality idea is totally terrifying for reasons that are my own. "martyrs" is of course a modern horror classic, like others have mentioned.


Session 9 requires you to WATCH it. You have to LISTEN and most of all you have to CONCENTRATE.

No cheap scares, this is a film which you have to pay attention, not a pop corn, entertain the numpties movie - you need some intelligence to appreciate this, story lead, multi layered, character rich gem.


Session 9 was definitely creepy, a top-notch thriller and a cult classic. I don't know if I could go so far as to say it was scary, although it was certainly disturbing.


Session 9 was great.


Insidious creeped me out for days afterward. The ending was so ridiculous, but right up until then, it was perfect.


no kidding, seriously creepy movie


Same, though I liked the ending.


"Insidious" - was a great build up to a pretty predictable ending ... "Session 9" is a really good show .. but to answer your question-
any and every Jap-horror simply because some the scenes are so off kilter.. like "the eye" had the guy in the lift slowly turning or the pale faced kid in the 10 ft high cupboard looking out just slowly closing it as the guy ran towards it... it's not BOO scary but makes the hairs on your neck stand know that something about the whole thing just isn't right... i like that kind of horror


100% Agreed, Liked it, right up to that crappy ending


Rosemary's Baby didn't scare me at all.



Session 9 is a great horror film........with no gore or cheap scares.....I though I was the only one!


Watch Tale of two sisters, one of the craziest and scariest movies ever, the atmosphere and the story might be the creepiest and most potent in many years. And Martyrs is also very interesting, directed as to make the viewer assume and expect things, like films normally are, but this guy uses these clichés to trick you, and it works very well indeed!


I thought the tale of two sisters and the uninvited were actually quite sad, not very scary and then the ending was sad.


Clearly the most creepy and scariest movie ever filmed !


ATOTS is good, but very slow and more disturbing than scary.
Martyrs is two films: revenge and torture but it ain't scary in a mind-fvck way.


I thought ATOTS was disturbing in a mind-*beep* way. And it has one of the best shock-scares ever (under the sink?). In my opinion of course :)
Martyrs may be more than only two films, in that sense. I thought it very creepy to suddenly throw in a disfigured freak girl after the initial revenge scene, and not knowing if she was real or not, until that wall was finally broken and the story moves on to another faze. The way it is directed makes you assume certain feelings during certain sequences and then expect what you've seen and learned from other movies, until the atmosphere is flipped completely. The very first scene is like that.

I don't know if this is what people want, but these two are the only movies that made me scream out loud as I watched them. Foreign countries make better horror-movies IMO, Korea has a lot to offer in all genres.


dude, exactly the same here. everyone says "omg the ring and exorism movies is so scaryyy". when its not even scary at all. i love horror movies, but non of them really scare me. like you said.


everyone says "omg the ring and exorism movies is so scaryyy". when its not even scary at all.

OMG, it's almost like people have opinions and opinions are subjective.


So right xD


yeah your right. but I cant get scared by movies too easily ;)
of course its diffrent opinions.



I'm sorry the child inside you has died. Why watch these movies then? This one freaked me out and most of these don't scare me.


I love Session 9.

It was a slow build type movie.
You cared about the actors.
The plot made sense.
The ending line was terrifying.
You were torn with a feeling of hating the guy for what he did, but a sense of dread over how decimated he was at the end of the movie while talking on the phone and begging to be allowed to come back home.


Recently? The Strangers, Trick'r Treat, Let the Right One In.


Amazed no one has said the Paranormal Activity movies. The last 10 minutes of the first and third movies are absolutely terrifying IMO.


They are terrifying but the last 10 mins of the third one doesn't make sense because they keep on recording what's going on. I like all the paranormal activities but they're not the MOST terrifying movies ever.


I'm terrified that so many people like those Paranormal movies.


The Ring, Funny Games, Triangle, Enter Nowhere, Sinister, and House Hunting are all really good. Different types of horror, but each one worth watching.


I thought Triangle was so good - I made my family watch it. They liked it too. Very original and creepy! Loved it!

"Well, make something up!"/RG


insanely underrated


Glad to see even a few people liked "Triangle" one of the better written and acted more complex horror/thriller movies out there.

You don't have to know someone to know someone.


I'm never ever affected by jump scares. What makes a movie terrifying for me is an oppressive, disturbing and eerie atmosphere. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre '74, Session 9, Lost Highway ( not a horror movie ), Kill List,...have the atmosphere I like.
Paranormal Activity, Ringu, Ju-On,...are all pretty overrated on the scare scale. Most modern horror movies aren't scary at all btw


Cool, I will check out Lost Highway. Absolutely loved Session 9... to be honest it kinda freaked me out, lol. Wish more quality movies like that would come out in theaters lately...

{Never can say goodbye...R.I.P MJ}


I'm like that, the only films that have every actually scared me is the last few minutes of the ring, the final kill. and Ju-on, watched this first instead of the grudge and I think I made it to the twelfth chapter and had to turn it off.


Texas Chainsaw was a perfect horror flick. When you step back from it, all it was is implied gore and actual chills. No "jump out at you right when the music gets loud" or just blood and guts. You really cringe when the girl is on the hook, but you never actually see it. Crazy movie. Great writing. Perfect.


Event Horizon anybody? Kill List was also really interesting


Event Horizon scared me silly the first time I saw it.


The only really scary scene in Event Horizon was when the footage of the old crew is shown. It was very short, but disturbing as hell lol


man, Event Horizon scared the bejeezus outta me, the stuff with the old crew actually disturbed me


This. I saw it when I was fairly young, before I was 18. It just gave me nightmares. No-eye chick, the recording of the previous crew, the images of the Hell to come, and so much more. Such an amazing atmosphere. I have watched that movie so many times now that it has lost all fear aspects but I just love the plot, the characters, and the atmosphere. Oh, and a great soundtrack/score.


Great flick. One of those that scared me when I was a kid but I now love. I don't know about anyone else but the movie "Candyman" creeps me the hell out. Another movie like EH is Sphere. Creeped me out when I was a kid, just a good movie now.


After playing the Dead Space games recently I decided to review Event Horizon having not had the pleasure for some years. If you throw yourself in to the plot and go with it scares are a plenty, as is the gore. A bit Clive Barker, a bit Alien but definitely Horror.


Martyrs scared me so badly, no movie has even remotely had any effect on me since.

"I only buy things with even-numbered price tags. I'm an economist."


Ditto. Amazing movieexperience. Kinda blew my mind the first time I watched it.


Considering I watch plenty of horror movies on a regular basis, it's hard to find one that genuinely creeps me out/scares me anymore. That said, the most recent ones I can think of that got to me are The Descent and Kill List (the latter actually gave me nightmares). Insidious also had a few genuinely freaky moments; any movie that succeeds at making a Tiny Tim song seem menacing deserves some credit.


Insidious definitely has some of the creepiest scenes in a recent horror movie, but also some of the goofiest


Shutter 2004 (the original Thai film) is my favorite!!!


People laugh... but The Blair Witch Project *beep* with me a quite a bit.

'Road to Kingsville' Teaser Trailer


yes, its a joke now but when it came out it freaked me out, had bad dreams for weeks.
