MovieChat Forums > V/H/S (2012) Discussion > Am I the only one who thinks this is ter...

Am I the only one who thinks this is terrible?

Please no hate here, I just want to voice my opinion. Anyway, I think this is one of the worst horror films I've ever seen, especially considering the "buzz" around it. None of this film, in my opinion, was even remotely scary, just the occasional "Thrill". Here's the layout for me:

Amateur Night - I liked the build up, but the drunkenness was incredibly annoying. It also felt too much like "been there, done that" and was just a simple creature feature. Sadly, this is one of the better ones.

2nd Honeymoon - Somewhat tense with the masked assailant, but absolutely terrible in regards to the ending, and so much filler. This entire clip could've been less than 5 minutes, and the impact would not have been any different.

Glitchman - Abysmal. The story was terrible, completely contrived, the effects were awful, the acting was a joke, and the entire creature or strange entity made no sense whatsoever. Overall, the worst in a horrendous line-up of found footage.

Strange Thing That Happened To Emily - This one could have actually been great, and it almost was. The tension kept mounting up pretty successfully, yet once again, the film took no interest in explaining or further investigating the happenings of the "aliens". Overall, the best one out of the anthology, but still disappointing.

Tape 56 - Sloppily done, with a completely predictable ending that was just dumb.

Haunted House - Again, could've been pretty good, but the potential was squandered with run-of-the-mill material, YET AGAIN no sufficient explanation, and one of the worst endings in the whole bunch.

Overall, I found this movie to be atrocious. Believe me, I do not go into this expecting the Academy Award for best original screenplay, but Jesus this was poorly executed. No connections were made between the tapes, the stories were overall just flat out bad, and the resolutions to each tape were horrible. No definitive conclusion or insight into what exactly is going on. I don't want my horror films to be spoonfed to me, but I also don't want everything to be left in complete ambiguity. 4/10, and that's being generous.


Agree. A really bad movie, one of the works I have seen for a long, long time.



It seems MANY here thought it was bad, so you're certainly not alone.

It's interesting though because, with the exception of Glitchman - which was a fun, clever take on the slasher to me - I actually largely agree with your assessments on each segment, yet I came away pretty happy with it overall.

-100% with you on Amateur Night. This was the most disposable of the bunch.
-I thought Second Honeymoon to be the best, thanks to those tense night vision camera scenes. Not quite as negative on the ending as you but do feel like it was a bit abrupt.
-Everyone seems to be in agreement that the alien reveal in Emily detracted from it overall. But the use of video chat was pretty effective in wringing out some creepiness and a jolt or two.
-Tape 56 was the most disappointing in my mind. They ultimately proved to have nothing interesting up their sleeves and it also failed in tying everything together.
-Not sure what explanation you needed in Haunted House but yes, it absolutely was pretty run-of-the-mill. That said, I still found it enjoyable.

I rated this a 7/10 but the nature of these anthology films is that there'll likely be an even larger variation in opinion than the usual.


No OP, you are not alone.

The only two shorts I found mildly amusing was Haunted House and the Emily's Baby.

Unfortunately, there was no theme or central idea to glue all these films together. Might as well have been surfing Youtube. Reruns of Attack of the Show, real Exocism recordings, followed by Jenna Marbles and new movie trailers.


I hated it and felt cheated as well.

I thought I was going to see a horror movie with a decent rating but instead got 5 or 6 random short stories that weren't even good or clever.



This movie was terrible, and it made no sense. The character development was also horrible. I can't believe this got a pass by critics on rottentomatoes!


no the movie sucked like a $20 hooker..really really bad
id say segment #1 the "i like you" succubus slut was good
the rest bordered on boring to down right silly
ive gone through this a few times so ill just agree the film sucked

as to rate it there were a total of 5 stories in this film and i enjoyed segment#1 so i will give it 2 pts for that..
maybe another 1 point for the Skype session which seemed to be interesting at least but bizzare connecting VHS and Skype technology
and finaly 1pt for the final scene on the train tracks..the scene was good the segment was amatuer hour or half hout..whatever

so succubus slut 2 pts
skype 1 pt
train track demise 1 pt
total score 4/10 imdb score

that is really F-ing generous


wow im in the middle of a hater convention.. this movie was cool maybe you folks need a tom cruise movie?

nothin but a gorehound


HAHA. no. we just have standards for good movies.


This movie sucks a lot more than any of Tom Cruises movies.


i'll bet none of these haters can suggest a better low budget horror anthology like it. haha


That's a bizarre requirement for disliking a movie. I am notorious for loving *beep* movies and I was let down by this.

-Like all creative minds, they have to be slapped down-



all of the negative comments seem to insinuate that there are much scarier and better films. i'm trying to figure out what those are. so far, nada.


all of the negative comments seem to insinuate that there are much scarier and better films. i'm trying to figure out what those are. so far, nada.

What kind of stupid question is that?
Of course there are much scarier and better movies out there.
In fact, I'd say just about every movie is better than this.
Bone Sickness is better,
A Bothered Conscience is better,
At Dawn They Sleep is better,
Dark Harvest is better,
Dead Life is better,
They are all low budget and they are all a lot better than this movie.
They might not be "scary" (except for A Bothered Conscience) but they are far more watchable.

As for Found Footage-Esque movies, at least Zombie Diaries had a coherent plot.
That movie also sucked but watching V/H/S makes me want to watch Zombie Diaries again.



christ settle down. this is supposed to scare and creep you out. that's all it set out to do. u act like u have your head crammed in your *beep*

Well it obviously failed because there are scarier movies out there.
You wanted one of these "haters" to name better horror movies and I just did.
Don't blame me if you get butthurt when someone answers your questions. :/


alright im just kidding. thanks for naming those movies, ill check em out.


Yeah, I'd mostly recommend Bone Sickness.
While flawed and low budget, they still made good use of what they had to work with.


Dawg, your head is so far crammed up your ass your eyes are peeking out your mouth-hole.


Are you seriously saying you really can't think of ANY movies out there that are scarier and better? Wow, you haven't watched enough movies then at all. How was the movie "scary" or even good? Not much happened, it dragged on and on in some parts and there was just nothing scary. You need to watch more movies.


if you'd read the thread you'd understand that i was asking what is a scarier horror *anthology* in your opinion. so far no one has been able to list any. keyword .. *anthology*


So not liking one specific movie makes somebody a "hater"..........please tell me that you are under the age of 14.


Creep show 1 and 2, Both were low budgeted (which is surprising as 1 had a lot of B list and A list actors for cheap) in their days.
Oh did I ruin that and yes Cam corder movies like this suck. So happy I'm not suffering from epileptic seizures.


i'll bet none of these haters can suggest a better low budget horror anthology like it. haha

Hell, I think August Underground was better than this!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I'm with you. It was totally cool and I could imagine the filmmakers having a blast making it. That's what I love about movies.

Some of these people are hilarious, talking about the director being a hack. Love armchair directors who tell someone how their vision should be done. *beep* posers.

Movie rocked. If you like horror movies for real and not just "select" ones.


I have been watching movies for many, many years. This movie is one of the worst so far.


op can you suggest better scary films (anthology or otherwise) since you seem to be an expert?



worst answer ever. obviously you're no horror fan, so your opinion means nada.



then whats a scary horror movie since you know many. don't say the exorcist or halloween either. i've seen those.



Rec is mediocre at best. As far as I can see by your taste in horror movies you really do google "best horror movies" and paste whatever you find on there. The ring and the grudge are probably the most famous horror movies you will ever find. They are not bad, not great either. For your information SAW is one of the best horror movies ever made and trust me, you do not and will never "know more than I ever will" about horrors. So overall V/H/S is an awesome and fresh new twist to the ganre.


For your information SAW is one of the best horror movies ever made


That's the best satire I've seen in a long time. Thanks for the laugh.


The first SAW film actually *WAS* a good Horror movie. I wouldn't call it one of the best ever made, but it was good. It's reputation was ruined by all the sequels. It probably deserves a 7.

It rhymes with Freak


The sequels didn't ruin it for me because I never watched them. The first one was bad enough.


I respect your opinion, but you're wrong and I hate you.

It rhymes with Freak


"I like you."




You obviously know NOTHING of the genre so I won't even bother xD


Rec was absolutely amazing, I love the series in general-- although I do warn that the 3rd one, as much as I like it, is a tad off the wall.

The found-footage genre in general though often suffers from lazy filmmaking in general. The Paranormal Activity series is an example of this, but the main issue I have with the style is that it often makes the filmmakers think they are off the hook with presentation. The PA series often has the "camera" person commenting (while laughing) that he doesn't know how to use the camera.

This is no excuse for actually having a camera person on set.

The REC films are actually well choreographed and do well on a cinematography standpoint even in spite of their style, and this is why they will be a favorite above any film that laughs, says "I don't know how to film", even though it's a film.

And I liked the V/H/S film... but I still HATE the excuse for bad shot composition ("oh well it's the character filming it so it's ok if it looks like butt")


Don't need to be an expert. You liked this movie. Good for you. That does not make you an expert. It simply makes people question your taste in films. I'm totally cool with low budget. This movie was unwatchable. And while that's simply my opinion, there seem to be a long list of people here on this very same board that have the same opinion as I do. It sucked. Why? It was incoherent. Shaky cam is obnoxious. This had the worst shaky cam I can recall. The stories weren't tied together, weren't scary and were utterly idiotic.


a movie with several unrelated stories (not tied together) is called an anthology film. the fact you don't know what that is and think that stories should be tied together definitely makes me question your film knowledge.


Actually, freq32, a movie that has a framework as this one does is a portmanteau film. I do admit that most people lump such movies together as anthologies.

As you said, anthology films have unrelated stories. This one has the burglary as its framework.

(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC


Agree 100% but I'm even more critical. I give this movie a 1/10. One of the worst movies I've EVER seen. There's no way the praise for this film is real. They have to be plants, involved with the production, REALLY easy to please or bloggers associated to, the horror film review site that helped make this movie. Ofcourse I respect everybody's opinion and in no way claim I have the best taste in movies, but I just can't imagine anyone having a remotely joyful time watching this. The "best" segment was the last one and that was only during it's final 5 minutes, with all of it's good moments already in the trailer anyway. SO angry I sat through this crap.


Been a horror fan all of my life. Ive sat through some of the most terrible movies ever produced but this was just horrible.Even for a found footage movie it sucked. I liked the idea of the glitchman story, could have been a great stand alone film if they had of taken the time and put some effort into it. The rest was unbearable.

One the worst movies i have seen in a very long time. Yes it is a movie, there's no way Im calling this a film. If i could vote it a 0 i would have.


Acherontia_Styxx pretty summed up EXACTLY what I was thinking too.

"When Im Good, Im very Good. But When Im Bad Im better." -Mae West


can u recommend some good horror films like this? i thought it was good. 8/10
