Each story ranked. Post yours as well.
1. "Amateur Night"
2. "10/31/98"
3. "Second Honeymoon"
4. "The Sick Thing that Happened to Emily When She was Younger"
5. "Tuesday the 17th"
6. "Tape 56"
1. "Amateur Night"
2. "10/31/98"
3. "Second Honeymoon"
4. "The Sick Thing that Happened to Emily When She was Younger"
5. "Tuesday the 17th"
6. "Tape 56"
1. "The Sick Thing That Happened To Emily When She Was Younger"
2. "10/31/98"
3. "Amateur Night"
4. "Tuesday the 17th"
5. "Tape 56"
6. Nothing. Literally, watching a blank screen.
7. Being waterboarded with dogsh_t
8. "Second Honeymoon"
1. "10/31/98"
This was the only one in which the victims were actually sympathetic (well, except the Emily one). It actually used VHS format, it went right to the point, and I liked the haunted house effects as well as the moral that no good deed goes unpunished.
2. "Amateur Night"
Hannah Fierman was great - actually, if she hadn't been so good I don't think the short itself would have been either - and aside from Clint (the only one of the three who seemed to be even somewhat of a decent human being) I had no issue seeing these douchenozzles get killed (especially that insanely obnoxious blond dude who laughed like a drunken hyena until she ripped his junk off). Not sure whether to be happy for the other girl that she got to live, or feel sorry for what she must have woken up to.
3. "The Sick Thing That Happened to Emily When She Was Younger"
I liked this one - liked the Skype format (even if it didn't make sense for a Skype chat to end up on VHS), I thought Helen Rogers was endearing as Emily, and I did jump a few times. However, I didn't like the twist much and I didn't understand James' motivation at all. He seemed genuinely concerned at the end when he was talking about her not being able to survive if they kept doing it, so why was he in cahoots with the aliens at all?
4. "Second Honeymoon"
Well done, the only one with any real character development, but the slow-burn method doesn't really work for a short and there was too much that didn't line up for me - why record yourself committing theft and murder; why not just get a divorce, etc.
5. "Tape 56"
Just meh. The fact that the characters in this were so thoroughly reprehensible that I was actually begging for them to die painful deaths is both why I thought it sucked and why it's not the absolute worst IMO. And again - too many holes (for instance, why the f would you stay and watch all the tapes in a dark, decrepit house with a decomposing corpse right behind you? Wouldn't you just gather em all up and bring them home to sort it out?)
6. "Tuesday the 17th"
This was some of the worst acting and dialogue I've ever seen, and the gore effects were cheesy too. I'm assuming it was meant to be a bit tongue in cheek, but this just totally failed for me. The glitch effect was the only cool thing.
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.
1. Amateur Night
Loved the concept, the gore and the demon girl.
2. 10/31/98
Creepy and love the effects, also enjoyed the fact they returned to be heroes but got somewhat caught up because of it. Was the girl possessed?
3. Second Honeymoon
Creepy the simple style and almost dullness of it, adds something to it, plus the twist I liked, didn't see it coming. The throat stab was also rather realistic in a brutal way. Creeping in at night and filming was also kinda intense.
4. Tuesday the 17th
Classic Slasher style and liked the fact we didn't get to really see the killer properly the whole time, classic gore.
5. Sick Thing That Happened to Emily
Interesting and quite creepily dark, the boyfriend betrayal and the fact he has other girls is twisted plus I was expecting ghosts, didn't see that coming.
6. Tape 56
Well I suppose it's more a framing device than its own segment, it's entertaining but not the best, left the least impact on me.
I was kinda wanting more of all the stories but I think the fact they were short added to it.
1.The demon lady
2.The webcam girl
3.The haunted house
4.The thieves
5.The couple in the hotel
6.The campers
Emma Frost's homecoming countdown - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmw6EaTfX8g
1. Amateur Night
2. The rest