Unrated Director's Extended Cut?
Guessing you've all seen both trailers now and are well aware that the rating of the film is PG13.
That being said, that would probably mean no blood..which is not a good thing, for a movie about Assassins stabbing with blades. Just watch those action sequences and notice how clean and fake the blades look. I'm praying for two things at this point...
1) Hopefully it's just the trailer that's screwed up for the green label of approving to all audiences. Perhaps the movie itself will have blood through CGI or other methods.
2) More importantly, upon the release of this film, I'm praying for an unrated director's extended cut edition. I will buy that in a heart beat.
As a true fan who's played all the games, bought all DLCs, and merchandise collector; I would love to see plenty of blood in this movie...the games did very well this way.
What do you guys think?